Enemy heroes damaged by Lei Shen get a charge debuff that stacks up to five times, lasting for up to five seconds. Whenever an enemy has five stacks of Charge, it instead becomes Supercharged for 30 seconds. Lei'Shen grants additional benefits for each enemy with Supercharged:
1 Supercharged: Enemies damaged by Static Field become Vulnerable, making them take 25% increased damage for 4 seconds.
2 Supercharged: Also causes Overwhelming Power to increase your attack speed by 5% for each empowered attack remaining.
3 Supercharged: Lightning Shell deals damage increased by 15% for each other Lightning Bolt that hit the target.
4 Supercharged: Storm Form allows you to attack, dealing base attack damage plus 78~253 damage, dashing to the target and removing the effect.
5 Supercharged: Become overcharged, increasing attack damage, attack speed and movement speed by 10% and increasing health regeneration and mana regeneration rate by 200%.
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