Tier 1:
Charged Blast: Increases Basic Attack Damage by 10%
Power Hungry: Globes instantly refills Arcane Power. If full, reduces cooldowns by 25% for 2 seconds (does not stack with additional globes)
Astral Presence: Globes increase max Arcane Power by 2
Arcane Mines(W): Places an Arcane Mine every 4 seconds while Arcane Torrent is being channeled. Mines do light damage and slows opponents by 20% for 2 seconds
Tier 2:
Spectral Blades: Adds a cleave to basic attacks
Flame Ward(Q): Reduces damage taken while channeling Arcane Torrent and adds a small DoT
Flash of Insight: Every 5 basic attacks charges your next ability:
-Arcane Torrent/Hydra (10% increased power for 1 second)
-Slow Time (increases duration by 1 second)
Tier 3:
Electric Hydra(W): Attacks by the Hydra now jump to a second nearby target for 50% damage
Speed Walk(E): Increases Li-Ming's movement speed by 20% within the time shell
Arcane Master(Q): Reduces Arcane Torrent cost to 16 (4 a second with Arcane Power)
Tier 4: Heroics
Tier 5:
Glass Cannon: Ability damage increased by 10%, damage taken increased by 15%
Familiar: Add a permanent familiar to Li-ming that attacks nearby heroes for 1.5% of their max HP. The attack speed of the familiar matches Li-Ming's attack speed
Sentry Serpent(W): Increases the attack range of the Hydra by 30%
Tier 6:
Freeze Frame(E): Increases the slow by 10%
Stretch Time(E): Increases the attack speed of allied heroes by 15% within the time shell
Synchronized Strike(W): All hydra heads attack the same target at the same time and gains 20% increased attack speed
Glacial Spike: Adds a stacking 5% slow onto basic attacks. Stacks up to 15% and lasts 3 seconds
Tier 7:
Meteor Shower(R): Adds two extra meteor strikes to the original impact for 30% bonus damage each and doubles the smoldering crater time to 6 seconds
Supermassive Blackhole(R): Increases the pull strength by 25%, the duration by 2 seconds, and the singularity damage by 50%
Teleport: Hero unique "Bolt of the Storm", cooldown 40 seconds
Diamond Skin: Hero unique "Hardened Shield", cooldown 50 seconds
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