The point of making this Wizard is to make a next step into role-hybridization. As we know some of them (i.e. Tychus being Assassin/Specialist, Tyrande being Support/Assassin or Tassadar being support/specialist). However, this Wizard can become a specialist, an assassin, but also a support! Of course if this wizard would go for example full support, he won't be as good as Malfurion or Li Li, as his spells are composed to quickly push and deal area of effect burst damage. Also, there are example builds, how Diablo Wizard would take different roles:
Typical Pusher Wizard: Disintegration Orb + Endless Lightning + Demolition Orb + Meteor + Charged Salvo + Disintegration Teleport + Fury of the Storm
Pusher/Assassin Wizard: Disintegration Orb + Endless Lightning + Demolition Orb + Meteor + Rift Walk + Precision + Armaggeddon
Assassin Wizard: Conjurer's Pursuit + Gathering Power + Follow Through + Meteor + Riftwalk + Precision + Armaggeddon
Supportive Wizard: Hasting Teleport + Protective Shield + Cleanse + Slow Time + Charging Bolts + Protective Teleport + Storm Shield
And many other builds that mix specialist, assassin and support.
I do know that the abilities might be different than these from Diablo - I never played Wizard, so I just used the names and icons of the ablities and make them probably in a bit different way.
Hope you liked this different Wizard. Leave some feedback, what I should make/add/change and of course - your opinion!
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