Li-Ming by Bake10

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By: Bake10
Last Updated: Dec 14, 2015
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A renegade spellcaster who uses all manner of forces to destroy her foes and bring salvation to the people of Sanctuary. Li-Ming grew up being taught by master Valthek, high councilor of the Vizjerei of the Yshari Sanctum. Li-Ming would greatly surpass her master, becoming the greatest wizard in the land. As the stars fell and as the prophecy stated, it was up to a powerful wizard to stop the forces of evil. Li-Ming was that wizard and now turns to the Nexus to aid in further preventing the spreading of evil.

Combat Trait

Activate and summon a Familiar at your side for (10) seconds, that attacks enemies at a range for (20) damage.
Cooldown (60) seconds

Primary Abilities

Channel a powerful beam of pure arcane energy, dealing (65) damage each second an enemies caught in its path. Channel lasts as long as you have resources to expend.
Cooldown (5) seconds
Mana (10) per second
Travel through the ether and  teleport to a target location (30) units away.
Cooldown (12) seconds
Mana (70)
Summon a multi-headed arcane Hydra for (5) seconds that attacks nearby enemies with arcane bolts for (45) damage each.
Cooldown (15) seconds
Mana (65)

Secondary Abilities

Arcane Blast (Archon)
Gather an infusion of energy around you that explodes for (150) damage to all enemies around you.
Cooldown (5) seconds
Arcane Strike (Archon)
Each basic attack turns into an AOE strike. 

Heroic Abilities

Slow Time
Invoke a bubble of warped time and space at target location for (3) seconds, reducing enemy attack speed, movement speed and projectile speed by (50%).
Cooldown (75) seconds
Mana (75) 
Transform into a being of pure arcane energy for (15) seconds. Increasing basic attack damage, ability damage and armor by (20%). While in Archon, Disintegrate and Teleport abilities will be available, earning Arcane Strike as an AOE basic attack and an additional ability with Arcane Blast. (replacing Hydra)
Cooldown (120) seconds
Mana (80)


Difficulty: Medium
Health: 1365 (+0.04% per level)                                               
Regen: 2.844 (+0.04% per level)                                           
Arcane: 500 (+0.04% per level)                                                
Regen: 3 (+0.098 per level)                                                     
Atk Speed: 1.11                                                          
Damage: 70 (+0.04% per level)    


Tier - 1:
Arcane Addict - Increase your Arcane power by (0.5%) when you pick up a Regeneration Globe. Resets upon death.

Sparkflint - The Familiar boosts your damage by (10%) when active. 

Arcanot - While Familiar is active, you regenerate Arcane Power at (8) per second. 

Hydra - Increase the cast range of Hydra by (20%) and decrease its cooldown by (2) seconds. 
Tier - 2:
Gathering Power - Hero takedowns increase Ability Power by (2%), to a maximum of (30%). This bonus is lost on Death.  

Envenom - Activate to poison an enemy Hero, dealing (352) damage over (10) seconds.

Fracture - When you teleport, leave behind an illusionary duplicate at your last position for (5) seconds, has (40%) of hero health and casts spells for (10%) of hero Ability Damage.

Convergence - Increase the width of the beam by (25%).  

Tier - 3:
Intensify - An enemy that is continuously hit by Disintegrate will take (5%) greater damage each second.

Storm Armor - Bind yourself in electrical energy, periodically shocking nearby enemies for (50%) weapon damage. Lasts (8) seconds.
Cooldown (60) seconds 

Arcane Orbs - Hydra heads spit out Arcane Orbs, exploding on impact, dealing an additional (75%) damage to enemies near the explosion.

Familiar - Increase the duration of the Familiar by (4) seconds.

Tier - 4:
Slow Time - Invoke a bubble of warped time and space at target location for (3) seconds, reducing enemy attack speed, movement speed and projectile speed by (50%). 

Archon - Transform into a being of pure arcane energy for (10) seconds. Increasing basic attack damage, ability damage and armor by (20%). Earning Arcane Strike as an AOE basic attack and an additional ability with Arcane Blast. 

Tier - 5:
Mocking Demise - When a illusionary duplicate is destroyed, it explodes, dealing (150) damage to nearby enemies. 

Safe Passage - For (3) seconds after teleporting, you take (20%) less damage from enemies. 

Improved Ice Block - Activate to place yourself in Stasis and gain Invulnerability for (3) seconds. When this affect expires, the Wizard emits a Frost Nova, Freezing enemies for (1) seconds. 

Cannoneer - The Familiar attacks now explode on impact, dealing an additional (20) damage to enemies within the blast radius.  

Ancient Guardian - When below (50%) health, the Familiar will absorb the next (3) Basic Attacks on you. 

Tier - 6:
Hydras - Gain a second charge of your Hydra ability.  

Chaos Nexus - While channeling the beam, Li-Ming builds up energy, discharging that built up energy towards nearby enemies, dealing (65) damage each strike.   

Wormhole - After casting Teleport, you have (2) seconds to Teleport an additional time. (If Fracture talent chosen, a second illusionary duplicate will appear)

Tier - 7:
Stretch Time - Time is sped up for you team, while still being ever slower for the enemy. Team members within the bubble have their movements increased by (15%). Enemies within the bubble have their movements slowed an additional (15%)  

Improved Archon - The affects from Archon are increased by (15%)

Spectral Blade - Li-Ming's Basic Attacks turn into Spectral Blades, striking all enemies in front of her. The attacks deal (20%) more damage and slow enemy Movement Speed by (20%) for (1) second. 

Arcane Power - Activate to instantly restore (400) Arcane and increase Ability Power by (15%) for (5) seconds.  

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