Lady Liadrin is the matriarch of the Blood Knights, Silvermoon's order of blood elf paladins. Once a high priestess of the Light, Liadrin became disillusioned with her faith after the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas, and spent the following years honing her martial prowess against the undead occupying the Ghostlands. When M'uru was shipped to Silvermoon by Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, Liadrin was summoned by Grand Magister Rommath to partake in a radical idea the magi had devised: the empowerment of Light-wielding warriors by siphoning the captive naaru's holy energies.
Liadrin is a strong tank with self heal and hard cc to counter her enemies.
Base Stats:
Health 2634 (+4%/level)
Health Regen 5.43 (4%/level)
Mana 500 (+4%/level)
Mana Regen 3 (+4%/level)
Attack 67
Attack Speed 1.0
Attack Range 1.25
She seems a bit basic in that her abilities do very simple and uninspiring effects.
This is what I would like to do if this was my concept to make her more appealing and not be a hero that can easily have someone else do her job:
I don't really see her point as a tank right now, her survivability is a bit low when taking in consideration that some other tanks have more abilities to help them survive, plus they also have cc, making them able to create a lot of space for their team. Liadrin doesn't seem to have that so by just looking at the concept, she seems like a meat shield and therefor would need extra survivability if that's gonna be her role.
But I would also like the idea of her being a main tank with high dmg output, that's nothing that we really have where the main focus of a main tank is high dmg and survivabiliy.
Tenacity of the Sin'dorei is kinda slow to stack up considering it's one of her only 2 protective things. So I'd really like it if her passive stacked whenever she dealt damage with an ability or basic attack. That would significantly buff her abilities and make her a better tank.
Rigtheous Attack, I really like it actually, it looks good and it's kinda like a Tyrael smite but instead of speed it's a slow, I only have 1 problem with it. If I were to compare it to Tyrael's smite, that one has a lot more usage as it can be used for engage, disengage or just pure dmg. Righteous Attack is a worse retreat ability and a "harder to get reward attack ability" as Tyrael and his allies can get the speed for a longer period while she is limited to 1 chance with a short range. She would need something to compensate for it, which could be just a simple dmg increase or a more impactful slow.
Consecration, it's a bit lackluster, place it one the ground, hope someone steps into it. I'd give it an initial dmg value to make it more impactful, the model in wow kinda shows it come crashing down, so giving it initial dmg would be nice. Could be base line or a talent, but also that she (and allies maybe) gains increased armor while inside the area.
The healing on Light of the Protector is her only defense against non-basic attackers. I think like you said that the base should be lower to maybe something like 200, but I'd like to see the scaling go higher. to maybe 300% with a talent to increase that further. Cause if the scaling is higher but base value lower, it would be more rewarding to wait with it until you are lower to gain the most healing out of it. But idk if that's the most worth because I'm not taking cooldown into consideration. But it would make it less of a sustain ability and more of a fight ability.
Her ults feel a bit too similiar to already existing ults Ardent Defender and Blessed Shield. There are many more abilities that can be very impactful from a Paladin in wow!
Holy Prism. Could be an AoE ability that deals damage to enemies (to stack with her passive) and also heal allies to help in teamfight survivability. Great teamfighting ultimate!
Crusade. As her dmg and healing seem to be a big part of her kit, this could make her into a more offense type tank that can take matters into her own hands and start to deal serious dmg with a dmg increase, speed increase and maybe a small armor increase as lvl 20 talent.
Ultimate Sacrafice. She isn't just a normal paladin, she's also a blood knight! This kinda has a sense of blood ability. It could beh that whenver an ally takes damage, it will be reduced by a percentage and then that dmg is transfered to Liadrin, which would work great with her Light of the Protector that now also scales a lot more with lost hp! But I think it would need something more defensive to compensate for the dmg effect. (This is where the Consecration self armor buff comes in, as it would be a good tool to reduce dmg overall.)
Also, her basic attack damage is veeeery low. Comparing her to Johanna's 99 damage Auto atacks, she isn't either the easiet hero to get close to an enemy so buffing her attack damage would make her a bigger threat. So maybe something around 100 would feel better, it's a sword we're talking about!
There are so many ways to make her more interactive and fun to play, hope you find some of this information useful ^^