Lilian Voss by LoxRib

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Lilian Voss

By: LoxRib
Last Updated: Oct 5, 2024
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Lilian Voss

Shadows Master

Lilian Voss has finally made into the Nexus!
She is a swift hero, able to rapidly move around enemies and deal little but constant damage during a teamfight and strike enemies from unexpected positions. Her abilities help to harass enemies and punish them if they get near to you.


During her life Lilian Voss was trained to fight the plague as a member of the Scarlet Crusade. She studied stealth, sorcery and many martial arts just to accomplish her father High Priest Voss task.

After her death she was raised as an Undead but she couldn't accept her new state. After being captured by the Scarlet Crusade, her former friend Gebler was ordered by her father to execute Lilian as she was disowned by him. Enraged, Lilian instantly kills Gebler and begins her plan to exterminate all Scarlet Crusade members including her father.

Her plan then moved toward collecting the Codex of the Crusade in Scarlet Halls, a book containing all Scarlet Crusade members name, and toward killing High Inquisitor Whitemane who was able to revive them.

After the job was done she began to chase after necromancers and moved to Scholomance to slain Darkmaster Gandling but ends up being controlled by him. After being freed she nearly dies but somehow survives.

She is now Champion of the Uncrowned and fights against the Burning Legion as a member of the Armies of Legionfall.

Base Stats:

Health: 1700
Basic Attack Damage/second: 95
Basic Attacks/second: 1.5
All stats and abilities damage are roughly rounded to twice their value at lvl 20.

Combat Trait

Shadow Explosion
Basic abilities trigger [Shadow Explosion], dealing 75 damage in a small area.

The area is approximately the untalented version of Jaina's [W] Blizzard
Quest! Takedown each enemy hero.
Reward: Unlock your ultimate ability [Curse of Shadows].

Primary Abilities

Death's Grasp
Cooldown: 9s

Unleash a shadowy wave which slowly expands in a cone-shaped area in front of the cast position.
Each enemy hit suffers 75 damage and is dragged to the cast position.

[Shadow Explosion]
Once the wave has reached the end position, [Shadow Explosion] at the cast point.

The wave speed is slightly less than the Tomb of the Spider Queen Webweaver's Death Wave one.
The range is roughly the talent-less version of Gul'dan Q, while the size is slightly more than Gul'dan Q with talents.
Shadow Strike
Cooldown: 10s

Command your shadow to raise very close to an enemy's one, striking after 1 second for 150 damage in a small area.
If an enemy hero is killed by this ability, reset its cooldown.

While your shadow is charging its strike, you can reactivate this ability to instantly teleport to its position and casting [Shadow Explosion] but placing this ability on 30 seconds cooldown.

The range is similar to Nova [R] Triple Tap range.
The striking area is approximately the untalented version of Jaina's [W] Blizzard.
The strike counts as a basic attack, and is affected by talents.
Cloak of Shadows
Cooldown: 20s

Enter the shadows realm for 3 seconds, replacing your body with your shadow and make yourself unable to attack and to be hit by direct or aoe damage.
When exiting the shadow realm cast [Shadow Explosion].

This ability can be recast to end its effect prematurely.

You can still be hurt by damage over time effects and cast abilities.
The enemies can still see your movements, as you are basically controlling your shadow.
You cannot attack enemies but can still cast abilities.

Heroic Abilities

Curse of Shadows
Cooldown: 100

Shadow Curse an enemy hero
and set a Shadow Mark upon every visible enemy Hero for 4s, which stores 15% the damage received by them.

When the Shadow Mark expires from an hero, command their shadow to rip from them, and attack the cursed target for the stored amount.

The Shadow Mark has Global range.
Shadows released by Shadow Mark move toward the cursed target at approximately Kael'Thas [R] Phoenix attack projectile speed


Level 1:

[Trait] Dark Pressure: Increase Shadow Explosion radius and damage by 50%.
[Trait] Shadow Flurry: Basic Attacks cast Shadow Explosion.
[Passive] Lethality: Basic Attacks increase your Basic Attack damage by 10% for 5 seconds every time you hit an enemy Hero.

Level 4:

[Trait] Swift Assassin: Basic attacks increase your your Movement Speed by 2% for each Vendetta stack.

This works in combination with future trait talents Avenge and Revenge
[E] Shadowy Vial: Cloak of Shadows gives the effects of Regeneration Globe.
[Trait] Shadow Mending: Shadow Explosion heals for 50% of the damage dealt to Heroes.

Level 7:

[Q] Death's Reach: Increase Death's Grasp range and size by 50%
[Q] Death's Binding: Enemies hit by Death's Grasp are rooted, after being pulled, until the wave expires.
[Q] Death's Affliction: Death's Grasp reduces enemy damage by 25% until the wave expires.

Level 10:

[Q] Death's Greed: Each enemy hit by Death's Grasp reduces its cooldown by 0.4s.
[W] Take Down: The recast of this ability can be hold, to postpone both your arrival and your shadow attack by up to 2s.
While holding, the damage of the strike is increased by up to 200%, based on hold time.
The strike still cannot happen before 1s since the initial cast time.
[E] Shadow Assault: Every enemy Hero hit by Cloak of Shadows cast of Shadow Explosion gets basic attacked by your shadow twice, benefiting from talents.

Level 13:

[Trait] Avenge: Instantly complete Vendetta quest.
Quest! Each Allied Hero has been taken down.
Reward: Shadow Curse slows by 15%.
[W] Expose Vulnerability: If Shadow Strike would hit exactly one enemy Hero, teleporting reduces the target armor by 25%.
[E/R] Dark Rush: Each Regeneration Globe tick reduces the cooldown of Curse of Shadows by 1s.

Level 16:

[Trait] Revenge: Instantly complete your active Vendetta quest.
Quest! Get revenge on the last enemy Hero that killed you.
Reward: Shadow Mark gets released gradually, once every 1s. Additionally, extend its duration by 1s.

The active quest might be the default trait one or the level 13 talent Avenge one
[W] Vendetta is served: Shadow Strike instantly kills minions.
[E] Shadow Dance: Basic attacks reduce Cloak of Shadows cooldown by 1s. Additionally, you can attack during its effects.

Level 20:

[Q/R] Embracing Shadows: Heroes hit by Death's Grasp are afflicted by Shadow Mark. Basic attacks apply Shadow Curse to the last enemy Hero hit.
[W] Queen of Shadows: Shadow Strike has global range and can be cast on allied Heroes shadow.
[E] Relentness: Takedowns reset Cloak of Shadows cooldown.

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Change Log


I felt her potential gameplay would have benefited from a more strategic usage of her abilities, greatly rewarding for good execution but punishing for misplays.
Her [W] Shadow Strike now allows for extremely fast rotation when executing enemy heroes, making her a good laner and a finisher aswell.
Her [E] Cloak of Shadows allows for perfect repositions, both aggressively and defensively, but be careful when you decide to use it.
Her [Q] Death's Grasp maintains the wave management focus, but the slow movement combined with the level 7 talent makes it a great zoning tool.

Her talents should allow for more customization, allowing for more single target damage build, team fight capabilities or splitpushing power while still being able to contribute across the map

  • Minor talents and abilities description edited
  • Level 20 Heroics Upgrades are removed.

  • Level 7 talent [W] Shadowy Assault not hits the original cast target instead of a specific position.
  • Level 16 talent [Q] Plague deals its bonus damage in 2 seconds instead of 3
  • Level 20 talnet [W] Dismantle has been replaced with [W] Cascade.
  • [R1] Shadow Choke has been reworked. Now it silences a target and all basic attack trigger a shadow to basic attack the target. Its level 20 upgrade hits all enemies in an area.
  • [R2] Codex of the Crusade has been reworked. Now it stores damage on targets marked and releases it to heal and deal damage. Its level 20 upgrade affects all enemy units.
I thought both her heroics needed a rework, as they were counter intuitive. Now they bring some different opportunities and feel much more powerful. Minor changes help to fit better her play style

  • Health increased from 1300 to 1500
  • Decreased Phisical Damage done and Basic Attack Speed bonus gained from Vendetta stacks from half to 40% of her stacks
  • [Trait] Shadow Explosion effect has been simplified, now it behave as an Area Of Effect spell
  • Fixed some wrong descriptions details
  • Updated [W] Shadow Strike description to correctly describe its "jump-onto-target" nature
  • Updated level 1 talent [Trait] Well Rounded Assassin description
With this update I tried to make some ambiguous talent description easier to understand to all. Some minor changes in her talent and abilities kit focus on making her Auto Attack Build less effective and more in line with the other ones. I have addressed this nerf with a little buff to her total health.
I am currently trying to rework her Shadow Choke [R1] ultimate and most of her level 20 talents

  • Lilian Released
  • Lilian no longer has mana as a resource
  • Removed all Mana Cost from abilities.
  • Updated her level 1 talent [Passive] Well Rounded Assassin to stack with her trait instead of gathering regen globes.
  • Level 1 talent [Passive] Well Rounded Assassin icon has been updated to fit its description
  • [R2] Codex of the Crusade Icon Updated
  • Lore and Introduction added
  • Added the More Concepts Section featuring other concepts.
I think her gameplay might be higly affected by mana which would run low very quickly. The regen globe talent was updated to fit her trait and permit a more dynamic talent build other than the pushing one

  • [E] Shadow Projection Cooldown Beetween Charges has been raised to 2 seconds instead of 1
  • Level 13 talent [Passive] Echo of Shadows the second cast of Shadow Explosion now deals 75% damage
  • Fixed level 4 talent [Q] Death's Reach description. Now it correctly shows Mana Cost and Cooldown reduction
  • Increased level 16 talent [Q] Plague damage over time to 40%
  • Level 1 talent [Passive] Sinister Strike bonus damage is increased to 5% and also increase your attack speed by the same amount but only activates when hitting enemy Heroes.
  • The lilian copy of evel 16 talent [Q] Shadowy Emersion now deals 75% damage
This Lilian adjustment focuses on reducing her damage potential on Shadow Projection build and buffing some of her other options, but still sticking with her fast gameplay and continous damage

  • Added Trait: Shadow Explosion
  • Shadow Explosion now helps with Talents and Abilities Readability
  • Spells and Talents icons updated

  • Stats Updated
  • Spells and Talents icons updated
  • Change Log Released

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