Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas. A high-complexity short-ranged specialist that can mimic a tank, support, siege, or assassin role, depending on group compositions and talent selections. The actual hero isn't really anyone I've ever heard of, but I wanted to make a spellbreaker and after a very brief google search, this is the closest I could come to a named person who could be a spellbreaker, maybe.
The idea behind this hero is that he copies enemy spells. He can retain one he likes or 'free-style' casting only the one he was last hit by. There are builds for either one. There are also talents that support casting ally spells that heal him, thus allowing him to 'off-support,' if the comp is suited for it. This hero also introduces the idea of 'mini-quests' which are easily completed but easily lost.
As in all of my hero ideas, the numbers are arbitrary - only given to create a sense of scale. Concepts are immune to notions of imbalance, as numbers can always be tweaked. The skills themselves are pretty bland (they sort-of have to be). Most of the work I do when inventing a hero is in the talents - I always strive for 'absolute synergy': i.e. any possible random selection of talents is still going to be powerful. Of course, that can't always happen, but I still try.
The concept still feels a bit raw but here are a few of my thoughts to make it a little better. I always find my concepts to never be complete.
Feedback is probably too weak. Even at max stacks an extra 3 mana to abilities would be hardly noticeable even in the long run. I would increase it to 2 or even 3 per attack. As almost an extra 10 mana on abilities is something people will need to pay attention to. Targeting enemies mana consumption is a great idea and i think it could be what really makes the Hero unique.
Spell Steal sounds like it could be a cool idea however it needs to be simplified. I may be the only one getting a bit confused as to how it works but it also sounds like it could be a UI hazard. Keep the idea, just make it simple.
Control Magic is the weakest ability in the bunch as it honestly should only be a talent. In a game with no summons it is absolutely useless. I know the idea you are going off of but it needs some application outside of only summoned units. Perhaps something with Mercenaries or regen globes or wells? I just trying to think of the "magic" that is on every battleground. It might need a rework and could be talented for summons, since that would be good against some heros.
Overall really good stuff! Keep up the ideas!
The feedback numbers are probably a bit low, it's true. But, if nothing else this game makes very clear the idea of 'tiny numbers adding up.' Think of morales, for example. If her healing costed an extra mana per second, that could be devastating. Of course, feedback isn't meant to be too powerful, unless talented for it - and then it could be immensely so. But numbers could be tweaked for balance, in any event. One would actually have to see this in action to see how impactful it is, and that's not really option :-/
As to control magic, it was really meant to be the cornerstone of a 'specialist' build. Indeed, at level 4 there is a talent that allows the control of mercs, in the event there are no enemies with summons. The idea is at level 16, control magic can basically maintain complete control of any mercs the enemy sends your way. I was going to add a level 7 talent that increases the duration of control and duration of summons with each of your basic attacks, but I thought that might be too powerful against heroic summons.
The way I envision it, spell steal is actually quite simple to use, but hard to explain. It's another one of those things that really just need to be shown rather than told. But, that's not an option, unfortunately :-(
Anyway, thanks again for the feedback! I agree control magic is weak. I thought it was kind-of necessary that it be so, since spell steal has the potential to literally be 'the most powerful spell in the game.' But, I'll try to think of something to make a control magic build more interesting :-)