(Melee Warrior) A flexible bruiser that is able to poke enemies from afar and remain in the field of battle for extended periods of time.
All these blasted elves, and we still don't have the biggest charmer of them all. Plus, I feel like we gotta have full faction leader representation someday. His kit is almost entirely made-up, as there isn't a whole lot of reference for straight-up abilities, only that I wanted to represent both his prominent swordsmanship and his background as a farstrider. Somewhat borrowing from my old Vol'jin concept, I gave him a sort of dual-weapon mechanic while not being a full toggle, encouraging him to still play forward in most cases. Other than that, Arcane Torrent is the only ability with source material, and everything else is just Sunwell related with whatever came to me at the time, coming out as poke-heavy regeneration bruiser.
-Multi-target damage and waveclear
-Able to weave in both melee and ranged attacks
-Good spell disruption
-Great self-sustain; brushes off poke
-Enables initiation
-Can still go through mana quickly if careless
-Mobility is limited to talents
-Must stay healthy to maintain good single-target damage
-Limited peel and hard crowd control
-Burst healing can be shut down by anti-heal
Medium Difficulty
2154 health
8.98 health regeneration (always at least doubled from trait)
115 basic attack damage
1.4 attack speed
1.3 attack range
500 mana
4% scaling
https://heroeshearth.com/concepts/heroes/Malkav/lorthemar-theron/ full talents can be seen here, HH's pre-built system makes talents much easier
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