Combat Trait
Allows Lurker to swap between slow melee attacks and a ranged multi hit basic attack. In essence, while burrowed it fires a smaller version of Anub'arak's Impale, with no stun and less damage. This attack can also does not break stealth, which can allow it to attack towers with retaliation. This can only be done when you know where the enemy team is, due to having no escape mechanism.
Talents for this trait and burrowing mechanic can turn a speed penalty into a speed boost, and enhance the burrowed attacks into a powerful cone of damage and even reduce all cooldowns rapidly with each attack.
Q - Spike Crater
Creates 3 circles of spikes, one after another, impaling enemies first in a larger radius, then closer to the center of where you cast. Each hit deals light damage, but stacks a slow that can be powerful if 2 or 3 spikes connect. This gives the Lurker an AoE attack that can help engage or disengage fights from a distance, since close range is a big weakness.
Talents for Spike Crater can turn it into a decent AoE damage ability, and even let you use it without breaking stealth.
W - Parasite
Lurker's major support ability, and a unique one at that. Rather than having a heal over time, an instant heal, or a shield, the Lurker attaches a health regen bonus to allies that last until they die. This gives the Lurker the ability to give sustain to allies, and gives motivation to constantly roam between lanes for surprise attacks, scouting, and spreading buffs. The sight bonus to allies and the sight decrease to enemies gives more reason to apply the buff to every ally when possible, and keeps with the theme of preventing death before it happens.
Talents greatly improve the power of your allies, from increasing attack speed to reducing death timers. Each talent offers a unique upgrade to allies that can change combat in many small ways.
E - Overlord
A scouting tool that gives your team vision over a large area, as well as placing a decoy scout that can either be used to watch an objective or throw off an enemy that is hunting you.
Talents for Overlord make it a powerful team tool, placing speed boosts and lowering enemy vision from safety. The Guardian talent can turn your Overlord into a siege weapon that can deal heavy damage if ignored in a fight, similar to Zagara's Hunter Killer.
R - Ambush
Ambush can make it possible to solo an unsuspecting enemy, clear a camp with its low 60s cooldown, or turn a teamfight around with its powerful slow and root. The level 20 talent spawns a decoy lurker to help keep yourself hidden if necessary, and greatly increase the slow radius.
R - Dark Swarm
Introduces a new anti-vision mechanic by blocking the enemy team's minimap for a short duration, while also increasing the survivability of allies, making it a decent choice for teamfights as well. At 20, the swarm spawns Broodlings when any Hero dies, making a comeback possible in a fight, or creating a chain reaction of damage to the enemy team that leads into a short push with spawned minions.
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