Know for his unshakable will, He ascended the chain with brutal wrath, plowing through all who opposed him. It's as if he were blessed by the Dark God. They called him the Blade of Amon. After being beaten by Alarak in the rak'shir duel, now he comes to the nexus seeking vengeance.
Combat Trait
Psionic Draining
Ma'Lash abilities appiles Drain stacks to any target it hits, the stacks gives 1,5% extra ability power per stack, stacking up to 30%. Ma'Lash basic attacks applies a stack every 3 hits. EACH stack lasts for 30 seconds when Ma'Lash is not near.
Primary Abilities
Mind Blast
Deals 350 (+4% per level)damage to an enemy, Grants 4 Drain stacks, this effect only happens 3 times in a row
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Mana cost: 30 mana
psionic orb
Fires an Orb of Destruction on a line, the orb fires lightning at the nearby enemies, dealing 105 (4% per level)damage, the orb vanishes when it reaches its maximum distance, this applies 1 Drain to each target it hits.
Cooldown:9 seconds
Mana cost: 100 mana
After 1 second delay, Burn 100 mana from the target throught 3 seconds, Healing for 7% of max Health, u can move at 75% your normal speed while chanelling, the healing can be buffed by Psionic Draining.
Cooldown:15 seconds
Mana cost:40 mana
Heroic Abilities
psionic nova
Teleport to an area dealing 550 (+4% per level)damage in a large area around Ma'Lash, slowing enemies for 50% and granting Ma'Lash 30% extra movement speed, after the initial teleport, Ma'Lash deals 70 (+4% per level)damage to an area of the same size around him for 4 seconds, if you kill an enemy hero during this effect, gain 25% extra damage on the aura and additional 3 seconds duration
Cooldown: 90 Seconds
Mana cost:100
full drain
Ma'Lash locks on an enemy hero for 3 seconds, ,moving at 75% of normal speed ,after that, stuns the target and Ma'Lash keeps chanelling, each half second destroy 1 stack of Drain and deals 4% of the targets maximum health as damage ,if the target dies, restore Ma'Lash health completely and refreshes the cooldown of this ability completely,can be cancelled, can be interrupted
Cooldown: 90 Seconds
Mana cost: 125
level 1
Psionic Mark - reduced the number of basic attacks needed to apply a Drain stack by 1
Deep Wound - Psionic Draining stacks now provide 1,5% additional ability power
Mental Impact - Mind Blast now grants 5 Drain stacks
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