Malboro by Kimahri

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By: Kimahri
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2018
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Grotesque plant-life beasts

Malboros are large, green, tentacled plants with an anemone-like head and large mouths. Malboros are much larger than humans.

HEALTH 1,880 (+4.0%)

HEALTH REGEN 3.90(+4.0%)


DAMAGE 145 (+4.0%)

ATTACK RANGE Ranged (Decreased by 20%)

Combat Trait

Natural Antibody
When Malboro is hit by debuff then became unstopable for 1 second. 3 Charges.

Cooldown 20 seconds.

Primary Abilities

Gastric Juice
Deal 290(+4.0%) AOE damage over 4 seconds.

Cooldown 8 seconds.
Chow Time
Eat one enemy Hero for 1.5 second and then throw him/her out dealing 200(+4.0%) damage. Movement speed is slowed by 30%.

Cooldown 12 seconds.
Rise up to air for 3 seconds. While in air minions and structures won't attack Malboro. Can go over obstacles.

Cooldown 10 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Bad Breath
In cone area in front of Malboro put enemies to sleep, dercrease healing and deal damage equal to 25% of their maximum HP over 5 seconds.

Cooldown 100 seconds.
Putrid Breath
In cone area in front of Malboro inflict blind, silence and decrease movement speed by 40% to all enemies for 5 seconds.

Cooldown 100 seconds.

Level 1 Talents

(Q) Dissolving Acid - increase damage against non-heroic enemies by 50% and deal damage instantly instead over time.

(W) Omnomnom - 50% of damage will return as health.

(Passive) Ambush! - deal extra 15% of damage when hidden in bushes.

Level 4 Talents

(W) Cripling Chewing - Eaten Enemy hero is slowed by 25% for 2 seconds after hero is spit out.

(D) Improved Intibodies - Quest: Let enemies activate Natural antibody. Reward: After Natural Antibody were activated 15 times increase duration of unstopable by 0.5 second. Reward: After Natural Antibody were activated 30 times increase duration of unstopable by 0.5 second.

(Active) Eyes Everywhere - Increase vision of Malboro by 100% for 3 seconds and reveal all hiddine/infisible enemies for 6 seconds.

Level 7 Talents

(Q) Bile - Enemies hit by Gastric Juice recieve increased damage from basoc attack from Malboro.

(W) Dance of Tentacles - Chow Time no longer have slow penalty.

(E) Virus Tentacles - When Levitating deal damage under Malboro once per cast.

Level 13 Talents

(Q) Corrosive Acid - Decrease physical armor by 15 to hit enemiess.

(W) Magic Eating Salvia - Decrease Spell armor by 30 to eaten enemy.

(E) Anti-Magic Powder - While Levitating Malboro have 40 Spell Armor.

Level 16 Talents

(Q) Mega Gastric Juice - Increase area and range of Gastric Juice.

(W) Crunchy Time - Chow Time deal extra damage equal to 4% of maximum health of eaten enemy.

(E) Evasive Maneuver - While Levitating Malboro Evade physical attacks.

Level 20 Talents

(R) What is your favorite status effect ? Mine is EVERYTHING! - Bad Breath and Putrid Breath are combined.

(W) Game Over - Chow Time Duration is incresed to 4 seconds. Increase cooldown by 12 seconds.

(D) Mutating Antibodies - Decrease cooldown of Natural Antibody to 6 seconds but no longer have 3 charges.

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