Block: periodically reduces the damage received from heroes Atacks by 50%. Store up 2 charges.
Dark wings: Increases the damage of carrion swarn by 25%.
Regeneration Master: Colecting globes permenatly increases health regeneration by 1.5 per second.
Dreadlord's resilence: gains 2% more health for each dreadlord's might. (interact whit Overlord state).
Dark Frenzy: your DreadLord's might increase your atack speed by 1% for each stack (interacts whit OverLord state).
Dark Magics: At the end of Vampiric Touch it will explode dealing 10% of the targets Maximum health to the enemies around the target (like living bomb).
Big bats: your Carrion Swarn has is Width increased by 25%.
sleepless: for every second sleep is active it will reduce 0.5 seconds from the Cooldown.
Vampiric Aura: Mal'ganis now have a permenant Vampiric Aura (Does not stack whit the Vampiric Aura from OverLord state, because they are the same).
Resentfull bats: your Carrion Swarn now slows every enemy hit by 25%.
Vampirism: your Vampiric touch now heals Mal'ganis for the full damage done.
Nightmare: Now Mal'ganis (and only Mal'ganis) can atack the target whit sleep and doesnt awake the target.
Infernal: Summons and Infernal that stuns the enemies and fight for you for 20 seconds.
The Dark Call: teleports na enemy hero to you.
Trauma: when sleep efect ends, the target is slowed for 60%.
Shadow Buwarck: when Mal'ganis gets his HP lower than 30% automatically activates a Shadow Buwarck wich will absorve 60% of his health for 6 seconds.
Burning rage: Deals 12 (+2) damage per second for to nearby enemies.
Swarn of bats: after the use of Carrion Swarn Mal'ganis have 3 seconds to cast a second Carrion Swarn for 0 mana.
OverLord's Might: When in OverLord state Mal'ganis gain a 30% movement speed buff.
Leeching bats: When Mal'ganis cast Carrion Swarn it summon 2 bats for 8 seconds that will leech 20 ( +15 per level) health every 2 seconds.
Vampiric soul: Vampiric Touch now moves to a new target is the 1º target dies.
Dream Eater: Sleep will now apply a DoT during sleep's duration 20 ( +10 per level).
Infernal Link: Infernal now last 20 more seconds and when Infernal is active Mal'ganis will also have na Imolation Aura.
Dark Grasp: Reduces the cooldown for 15 seconds and when the enemy hero is teleported it will be stunned for 2 seconds.
Hardened Shield: Activate to reduce the damage taken by 70% during 4 seconds
Nexus Blades: Basic atack deals 20% more damage and slows the target for 1 second
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