Mal'ganis by Apolloknight82

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By: Apolloknight82
Last Updated: Jan 31, 2017
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The Eternal One

Health: 1700
Health Regen: 8
Energy: None
Range: Melee
Attack Speed: 1.6
Attack Damage: 75

Mal'Ganis is classified as a specialist as he is a jack of all trades type of hero. One thing he does excel at is self sustain. Mal'ganis's receives 50% less healing from all sources, therefore vampicic assault is built into his trait. Mal'ganis also gets stronger the longer fight fight last, gaining additional armor. He also has acsess to some team healing via is Vampicic Aura ult. His Dark Conversion ult is unique that it can be used on both allied and enemy heroes. Use it on a friendly Diablo before he engages to make him nigh unkillable, or use it on the enemy Li-Ming just before you think Rehgar might ancestral heal her.

Combat Trait

Nathrezim's Thrist
All healing effects Malganis receives other than his own are only 50% effective. Mal'Ganis has 10 armor baseline. Basic attacks against heroes increase Mal'ganis spell and physical armor by 2 every attack, stacking indefinitely. All stacks are lost if he does not attack a hero within 2 seconds. Every 3rd basic attack against the same hero deals an additional 2% of that heroes total health in damage and heals Mal'ganis for half that amount.

Primary Abilities

Carrion Swarm
Cost: 6% of max health
Cool Down: 5 Seconds

Cast a slow moving swarm at an area. The swarm moves at 75% movement speed and can be redirected by reactivating this skill. Enemies in the swarm take 71+4% per level damage every second they are in the swarm. Swarm last 6 seconds. When Carrion Swarm ends, the swarm returns to Mal'ganis, healing him for 8% of the total damage it dealt.
Cost: 8% of max health
Cool Down: 14 seconds

Put an enemy hero to sleep for 4 seconds. Any damage will wake that hero. Damage over time effects applied before Sleep was cast will not wake that hero. Carrion Swarm damage does not wake the hero.
Soul Preservation
Cost: 5% of max health
Cool Down: 14 seconds

Instantly steal any healing over time effects and shields on an enemy hero. Mal'ganis is healed for 30% of the amount stolen over 4 seconds. If the enemy hero has no healing over time effects or shields, they are slowed by 40% decaying over 4 seconds and have 20% reduced physical armor 3 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Dark Conversion
Cool Down: 15 seconds
Cost: None

Leap to an enemy or allied hero and bite them dealing 10% of their max health in damage and healing yourself for double that amount. The target is converted to a Nathrezim for 6 seconds and has all healing effects received cut by 75%. Enemy heroes converted gain 20 armor, allied heroes converted gain 65 armor.
Vampiric Aura
Cool Down: 20 seconds
Cost: 10% of your max life

Passive: Nearby Allied Heroes heal themselves for 10% of the basic attack damage they deal

Activate: Reduce the physical armor of everything in your range by 40% for 3 seconds. (Does not reduce Mal'ganis's armor)

Special Mount

Natherzims Wings
Mal'Ganis uses his wings to mount.


Tier 1

Dark Locus: Carrion Swarm deals an additional 50% damage to structures.

The Hunger: Natherims Thrist has it duration increased by 1 second.

Dark Pact: You no longer gain spell armor during Natherims Thrist, but increase physical armor gain to 3.

Plague of life: Gather Regeneration globes to reduce healing effectiveness you receive by 1%. Once you reach 30, gain an additional 10 baseline spell and physical armor.

Tier 2

Deep Slumber: Sleep has its duration increased by 1.5 seconds

Soul Steal: Soul Preservation's will heal you for 183+4% per level if they target has no healing over time effects or shields.

From the Neither: Every 3rd basic attack against the same target release a dark explosion, dealing damage and slowing all foes in a small aoe around the main target by 15% for 2.5 seconds.

Tier 3

Prey of Insects: Carrion Swarm has its damage and movement speed increased by 10%.

Early Call: If a hero is awaken from Sleep before it ends, their cooldowns are set to 2 seconds. (only effects abilities off cool down)

Chase of the Deamon: If you are the victim of any movement impairing effects, gain 30% movement speed for 3 seconds when it ends. (20 second internal cooldown)

Soul Sickness: Soul Preservation also causes regeneration effects on that target to deal damage instead for the next 4 seconds.

Tier 4 Ults

Tier 5

The Scourge: Carrion Swarm No longer waits until it ends to give Mal'ganis health but instead gives life as it damage its targets. Reduce the Cool Down of Carrion swarm by 1 second.

Not worthy: You take 50% less damage from minions, mercenary's, summons and towers.

Icy Embrace: Activate to fire a ball of pure ice at an area dealing 141+4% per level and slowing anything struct by 30% for 4 seconds. 30 second cool down.

Tier 6

Flight of the Natherim: You can no longer mount, but gain a flight similar to falstad that holds 2 charges on a 45 second cool down.

Early Death: If sleep is ended early, the affected hero has 25 reduced armor and slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.

Vampires scent: Whenever an ally or enemy is healed near you, your next basic attack deals an additional 5 percent of a heroes total life in damage. Can hold multiple charges, each charge last only 4 seconds.

Tier: 7

Into the Neither: Dark Conversion no longer gives enemies armor and allies gain 20% movement speed and 20% increased basic attack speed and damage for the duration.

Vampires Lust: Enemy's affected by Vampiric Aura's activation cannot directly target Mal'ganis for the next 6 seconds. (they can still use AOE's and skill shots on him, they just cannot click and attack him or use point and click abilities)

Sacrifice to me: Destroy an allied hero with less than 10% of his life (an icon will pop up indicating when this is active) Restore yourself to full life and increase your max life by 25% of the heroes max life you destroyed. You also gain 20% increased movement, and 50% increased attack speed for the next 6 seconds. The allied hero has a 25 second reduced death timer.

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