Passive - Allies within 10 yards of you receive 1% of their life per auto attack.
Active - Allies within 10 yards receive 3% of their life per attack and 10% increase in spell and attack power.
Primary Abilities
Carrion Swarm
3 Second Cooldown
Launch a Carrion Swarm in front of you as a cone dealing damage to the first five enemies hit. Enemies that are hit with Carrion Swarm receive a debuf called Infected. Infected causes the target to take 100% increased damage from your next Carrion Swarm, stacking up to 5 times, lasts 8 sec and is refreshed by Carrion Swarm.
Costs 5% of Initial Mana.
Summon Swarm
20 Second Cooldown
Mal'Ganis becomes immobile for 3 seconds. During the 3 seconds you summon back your swarms from the enemy. Every enemy within 15 yards (subject to change) who has one or more stacks of Infected is slowed by 10% per stack up to 50% at 5 stacks of Infected. After 3 seconds of casting, Enemies within 15 yards of Mal'Ganis take a moderate amount of damage for each stack of Infected. Removes all stacks of Infected.
Costs 10% of initial mana.
10 Second Cooldown
Mal'Ganis puts a target within 15 yards (subject to change) to sleep for 5 seconds. Enemies who are asleep take 15% increased damage from all sources during the duration of Sleep.
Costs 5% of initial mana.
Heroic Abilities
Summon Infernal
40 Second Cooldown
Summon an infernal minion dealing moderate damage in a 5 yard radius of the impact and stunning enemies for 2 seconds. Infernal minion lasts for 20 seconds and deals small pulsing damage to all enemies within 5 yards of itself every 2 seconds.
Fell Beam
60 Second Cooldown
Mal'Ganis launches himself in the air for 2 seconds. After 2 seconds he deals a large amount of damage in beam in an arc in front of himself. Enemies hit by the beam are put to sleep for 3 seconds.
I personally think that Sleep ability is overpower. Because enemy is sleeping and not able to do anything... for five seconds, and to take increased damage? For single hero to attack sleeping hero, it is much.. Imagine how it is if there is more than one hero. I would put 15 seconds cooldown,or reduce from five to three seconds. And even if it lasts five seconds, it should be ultimate talent.
Valla's ulti with two charges is nothing special compared to how strong this may be.
Carrion Swarm.. No idea about it.. This makes Dreadlord mana dependable a lot because of this. But it may be good.
And Vampiric aura... In standard warcraft the ability was about damage basic attacks deal. This may be something new.. With lot of tanks it may be great.
Ulti Infernal... Jaina's ulty is, like, 75 seconds cooldown... I would put something like 80 seconds cooldown for this. Since it is infernal, it may have a tiny AoE damage dealing per second, and very little.
Fell Beam - Sounds interesting, but it is heavy to focus.. This may be interesting, but i think there needs a little bit of rework.
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Valla's ulti with two charges is nothing special compared to how strong this may be.
Carrion Swarm.. No idea about it.. This makes Dreadlord mana dependable a lot because of this. But it may be good.
And Vampiric aura... In standard warcraft the ability was about damage basic attacks deal. This may be something new.. With lot of tanks it may be great.
Ulti Infernal... Jaina's ulty is, like, 75 seconds cooldown... I would put something like 80 seconds cooldown for this. Since it is infernal, it may have a tiny AoE damage dealing per second, and very little.
Fell Beam - Sounds interesting, but it is heavy to focus.. This may be interesting, but i think there needs a little bit of rework.