Health: 920 (+200 per level)
Health Regen: 1.91 (+0.42 per level)
Mana: 500 (+10 per level)
Mana Regen: 3 (+0.1 per level)
Attack Speed: 1.25
Damage: 30 (+7 per level)
Malthael the reaper is a melee assassin focus on handle the entire enemy team. He can survive long battles thanks to his huge health pool and can become unstoppable with most abilities, helping him to escape if eventually overwhelmed. His passive trait is to gather souls from fallen enemies, empowering his attack speed and movement speed, but he lose all the souls on dying. This trait is a mix between Butcher's and Diablo's ones, but instead he focus on speed. He can easily chase enemies or flee from combat, and deal massive amount of damage. His weakness is the lack of self-healing, so a well-timed crowd-control ability can rid of him easily.
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