Malthael by Layman

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By: Layman
Last Updated: Feb 9, 2016
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Lvl 1 Talents

-Mist Form is 30% wider and faster

-Seasoned Marksmen

-Targets effected by Withering Grasp move 20% slower for 2s

-Shadow of Death activates at 30% health instead of 20%

Lvl 4 Talents

-Enemy heroes hit by Mist Form are stunned for .5s

-Reap cleaves for 100% damage

-Withering Grasp extends 50% further

-Follow Through

Lvl 7 Talents

-Withering Grasp heals self for same amount as the additional damage dealt

-Gain 20% increased movement speed after casting Mist Form

-After casting Mist Form, can cast again for 50% mana cost

Lvl 13 Talents

-If no enemies hit by Mist Form, gain stealth for 3s

-Giant Killer

-Reap can be cast on allies to charge to them, 30% increased range

-Reap now effects next 2 basic attacks

Lvl 16 Talents

-Reap makes target vulnerable for 2s

-Withering Grasp makes targets effected take 50% increased basic attack damage for next 3 attacks

-Mist Form's fog of war persists additional 3s


Lvl 20 Talents

-Torrent of Souls' effect and pull double in speed

-Soul Siphon's cool down and duration are doubled

-Nexus Blades

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