Endless Blast (Quest)
Black Fire:
Each time one blast of Black Fire hits a hero, increase the damage of the initial hit by 1.
After hitting 40 Heroes, two additional consecutive blasts are added to Black Fire
- Improved Gifts (Quest)
Gift of Mannoroth:
Every time you infuse a minion or a mercenary with "Gift of Mannoroth" and every time it spreads,
the attack speed increases by 0,5% up to 30% (from 15%)
- Brandishing Sword
Stumble Stun:
Reduce the mana cost of Stumble Stun and reduce the swinging time to 0,5 seconds
- Frequent Plating
Argentiferious Chain:
Decrease the cooldown of Argentiferious Chain by 3 seconds
- Square Blaze
Black Fire:
Increase the area of Black Fire's blast
- Metal Smith
Argentiferious Chain:
Increase the armor gained by 35, armor lasts for 2 seconds
- Phlebotomy
Increase Mannoroth's Spell Power by 15%, but decrease his health by 10%
- Rascal
Stumble Stun:
Upon hitting two or more heroes with Stumble Stun's stun, the cooldown is set to 3 seconds.
- Fel Vengeance
Argentiferious Chain:
When Argentiferious Chain prevents X damage, Mannoroth becomes engulfed in flames, dealing x damage per second to all
surrounding enemies for 5 seconds
(See Heroic Abilities)
- Melting Onslaught
Black Fire:
Black Fire deals additional damage over time
- Infectious malice
Gift of Mannoroth:
Gift of Mannoroth spreads every 5 seconds and it spreads further
- Fel Magic
Black Fire:
If Black Fire hits 3 or more heroes its cooldown is reset, but its mana
cost is 50% higher for each sub-sequential cast for 3 seconds
- Inspired by Death
Gift of Mannoroth:
When an enemy minion dies near Mannoroth, there is a 10% chance to infuse a nearby minion/ mercenary with Gift of Mannoroth
- There and back again
Stumble Stun:
If Stumble Stun stuns an enemy it can be recast to stumble to the initial point of the cast. All heroes hit by the second stumble will be stunned for 0,5 seconds
- Hell-Forged Platinum
Argentiferious Chain:
Argentiferious Chain grants protected for 0,5 seconds
- Fountain of Blood
Blood of Mannoroth:
Mannoroth can manually summon an imbued healing fountain that lasts forever or until destroyed. There can only be one fountain active
- Happy Twins
After 10 seconds another dread infernal is summoned, prioritizing heroes over minions. When none of these are available it will summon the second infernal on top of Mannoroth and follow him. Second infernal can't be controlled
- Spawn Fel Beast
New Ability:
Mannoroth spawns a Fel Beast in a lane that acts like a minion in lane. It lasts forever or until killed. The Fel Beast burns enemy heroes for 7,5% of their maximum energy resource/mana. Only one Fel Beast can be active.
Cooldown 90 seconds
- Miraculous Chains
Argentiferious Chain:
When Mannoroth activates Argentiferious Chain he unleashes an empowered version (20% bigger area) of Black Fire upon himself.
Especially the mount ability. It's kinda funny xD
But overall it's amazing :>
GIFT OF MANNOROTH is a really nice trait. maybe make him gain movement speed for limited time after killing enemy minions so he wont be completely mountless.
ARGENTIFERIOUS CHAIN seems a bot too basic (it works but isnt too exciting) so i have some suggestions:
taking heroic damage refresh duration.
after the duration ends heal for % of damage blocked
after the duration ends deal damage equal to % of the damage blocked.
BLOOD OF MANNOROTH- is a great idea! but being depended on a fountain really makes it underpowered. I think it should create a fountain on basic, or turn it into a talent.
I don't understand why he must have mov. Speed penalty... Even though he is big, even Azmodan can mount. I mean, ok if he can't but why the penalty? Playing a slow hero is, usually, unfun..
thanks for your comment :)
I removed the penalty. Somehow I can't think of Mannoroth mounting.. Maybe he can have a hero specific mount? Some fel flames?
Any ideas?
He could have a mount that makes him break ground he goes over and move faster; as if he is charging and making the earth rumble. It would be purely aesthetic, but it has to be obvious enough so that it can be seen that he is mounted.
thank you! Oh, that'd be a good idea since he is so massive (well at least in my imagination).