Health: 1900 (5% per level)
Health Regen: 5.00 (5% per level)
Mana: 400 (+12 per level)
Mana Regen: 2.00 (+0.73 per level)
Attack Speed 0.87 Per second
Damage: 100 (5% per level)
Combat Trait
Ruthless Outrage
When Mannoroth`s health reaches below 30% his Attack speed and Damage is increased by 20% giving him a chance to rush his opponent down and take them with him or die trying.
Primary Abilities
Glaive Thrust
Mannoroth swings his glaive 20 yards in front of him dealing 250 damage (+2% every second level) to all enemy in range.
Cooldown: 3.8 seconds
Deals 112 damage (+21 every second level) per second to all enemies that is in range when activated for 5 seconds and knocks all enemies back stunning them for 5 seconds.
Range:10 yards
Cooldown: 4.2 seconds
Fel Hellstorm
Mannoroth calls down a Fel hellstorm anywhere within 30 yards with a radius of 10 yards dealing 100 damage (+15 per level) per wave lasting for 3 waves.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Heroic Abilities
Impale a enemy hero from 20 yards for 6.5 seconds dealing 50% of the current health and allowing you to move them into range of towers or team.
Cooldown: 56 seconds
Mannoroth's Gaze
Targeted hero flees for their life into their team lasting 6 seconds if any team members are within 10 yards then pass this effect on to team whiten range.
Range: 20 yards
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Special Mount
Ruthless Charge
gain 1/2 the normal mount speed while out of combat and 1/4 of the normal mount speed while in combat.
About Mannoroth
Intro to Thrall (if Grom is on team aswell): So predictable... I knew you would come... and I see you brought the mighty Hellscream... his blood, is mine by right...
Holy imbalance. What's going on with your scaling? The standard is 4% per level, but you're randomly assigning +2 every other level or a flat bonus each level. What's goin' on? It's so abstract, and his abilities deal such wildly varying amounts of damage all throughout the game. Then there's Felseeker, which is basically ETC's Face Melt except with a 5 second stun and a 4 second cooldown, so unless that's a typo there's a recipie for permastuns. Also, Shadowforce is bloody absurd, a point-and-click ability that chunks half their health pool (Kharazim's 7 Sided Strike deals less damage and is much more restricted) that then lets you reposition them like Mind Control? I think there's some balance concerns to be had before anything else.
Numbers are one thing, they can be adjusted to better fit the hero and are balanced. The problem here is the kit... I hate to tell you and call out the maker, but this is almost 100% the third stage fight for Mannoroth in the new Hellife Citadel. Names of the abilities and their affects. If this is a serious effort, then I'm sorry, but you need to have an idea of how you want the character to be built, and try to make your own kit. If this isn't a serious attempt... them I have no idea why you wasted your time.
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