Mannoroth is a warrior with a heavy PvE presence. His damage isn't incredible, and his sustain is lacking, but with multiple point-and-click abilities and a large amount of utility he can be astounding as an offlaner.
Provoke, makes him outstanding for anti-pushing or to support a minion wave, because if you get close to them they will get distracted and hit you instead of your allies minions or mercs. It has no effect on captured mercenaries so enemies can still push in if you're not careful, but in the Jungle you can still work as an excellent tank for the team, although you should really be careful if you don't have a healer because you can't trade aggro. You work best on PvE maps like Garden of Terror or Infernal Shrines, but even outside of those you still work great as an anti-pusher, or just a regular tank.
Corrupted Blood is a thematic ability related to how Mannoroth dominated the Orcs. Poisoning a well allows allies to get topped off much quicker and jump back into the action asap, while a 10 second movement speed boost helps with rotations. Even more important is the offensive aspect, one being the ability to poison an enemy well to halve the effectiveness meaning that in lane you have the option of denying an enemy's healing or simply having more healing for yourself. As the game progresses there will be fewer and fewer wells available,
Fel Cleave has short range, dealing a small amount of damage to the target but also hitting all enemies behind them, like a Greymane Cocktail with a fair bit of knockback distance. This can be a great poking tool in a lane, but if you position well it can also deny enemy divers pretty hard.
Cripple is even stronger, halving an enemy's effectiveness with a simple click but having a decently long cooldown. The range is really nice but there is a short delay, which means if an enemy has a ton of up-front burst it won't have as big an effect as you'd like. Still, it's really great for locking down a Tracer or some other assassin. Neither ability really deals damage at all, and his basic attacks are very average among warriors, so it's inadvisable to use Mannoroth as a bruiser.
Mannoroth's Gaze is a potent cc ability that has a lotta mindgames involved. Enemies can only be hit if they look at you during the second it's active, and even though turnrates are instant they still can't turn or attack for that full second or they risk getting pushed away. Even if you don't actually tag anyone with it, preventing enemies from chasing is still very strong, and fears are already a strong mechanic.
Doom works similarly to how it did in WC3. The damage is pretty low and is not worth the heroic slot, if not for the second part. Casting it on someone you're about to kill is a good tactic, although due to the slow attached if the enemy becomes unstoppable or cleansed in any way it will still trigger right away. The Doomguard is broken strong, having really high health (it shouldn't really be dying in the first place) and alright damage, while also repeatedly stunning enemies it hits making it difficult to run from. The only weakness is the gratuitous cooldown and the fact that it only sticks around for a few seconds.
HEALTH: 2780 +4% per level
REGEN: 5.84 +4% per level
DAMAGE: 91 +4% per level
ATTACK SPEED: .91 per second
RANGE: 1.75
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