Level 1
Wind Up: Glaive Smash knocks enemies back 50% farther.
Burning Battlefield: Reduce the damage of Fel Fire's impact by 50%, and increase it's area of effect by 25%.
Seasoned Warrior: Quest: Enemy Minions killed near you grant 0.2 attack damage. Enemy Heroes killed grant 0.5 attack damage.
Reward: Upon reaching 40 bonus attack damage, Felblade's radius is increased by 25%.
Level 4
Hindering Blaze: Fel Fire slows enemies standing in it by 20%.
Fan the Flames: Quest: Hit 25 Enemy Heroes with Fel Fire's impact.
Reward: Fel Fire's damage is increased by 60%
Xu'tenash Smash: If Glaive Smash throws an Enemy Hero into a wall or structure, they are stunned for 1 second.
Level 7
Fel-er Blade: The duration of Fel Blade's damage reduction is increased by 2 seconds.
General of the Legion: Friendly Minions and non-Boss Mercenaries near Mannoroth gain 10 Armor, and burn nearby enemies for 10 (+4% per level) damage per second.
Glaive Crash: Glaive Smash now strikes twice in quick succession, at 45-degree angles in front of Mannoroth.
Level 10
Nether Portal
Demonic Howl
Level 13
Wall of Blades: Mannoroth becomes Protected for 0.5 seconds for each Enemy Hero hit by Felblade.
Fel Absorption: Mannoroth is healed for 75% of the damage dealt to enemy units by Fel Fire.
Clear the Field: Glaive Smash grants Mannoroth 20% movement speed for 3 seconds.
Level 16
Weakening Fel: The damage reduction of Felblade is increased by 30%
Felstorm: Killing an enemy Hero with Fel Fire's impact resets its cooldown.
Glaive of Ruin: Felblade gains a second charge, but its cooldown is increased by 2 seconds.
Level 20
Lust for Blood: Mannoroth can kill his demons to regain 25% of his max health each.
Resonating Howl: Each Enemy Hero killed while under the effect of Demonic Howl reduces its cooldown by 10 seconds.
The Flayer: Minion deaths near Mannoroth (Friendly or Enemy) grant 2% increased damage, up to 50%. Heroic deaths (Friendly or Enemy) grand 10% increased damage. Lasts for 10 seconds.
The rest of his kit is just there. No cohesive synergy or reason to exist and just generic boring stuff
His first ult is especially dreadful because its a mini game of health % to just get the right demon you want, which honestly sucks. Body check on garrosh sees no play now and its a more mild version of this. Just seems super unfun.
Second ult is kinda just bad. I mean its not op, in fact its underpowered if anything. But its boring as **** and doesnt synergize with anything else in the kit.
Lastly, why is his health so high? Chogall has 2950 health and this has 3200? Why