Once the channeling is done, player automatically jumps on Oondasta's head and converts the dino to player's team.
Player controlling Oondasta has 3 abilities:
Q -
Targes a local to Oondasta move to.
CD 8s
W - Piercing Roar CD 14s
Causes Oondasta to give a loud scream, briefly stunning nearby enemies
E - Ancient Fury CD 8s
Causes Oondasta to enrages, increasing it's atck speed by 20% for 3 seconds.
However, player can't chose targets or use ofensive abilities.
Oondasta will attack with:
1) Bite (baisc attack)
Causes AoE damage
2) Frill Blast CD 10s
Inflicts high Fire damage to all enemies in a hemisphere in front of the caster.
3) Spitfire Beam CD 18s
Fires a beam of fire energy, inflicting 22200 to high Fire damage and jumping to a nearby ally, affecting up to 5 hero targets.
Player can dismount Oondasta by pressing R, leaving it in "auto pilot" and allowing allied players to ride it.
When Oondasta is defeated it will return to the center of the map and take a nice sleep, recovering to full health and ending the event until the next one.
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