This is alpha version, thus discussion and suggestions are highly encouraged!
Combat Trait: Mercenaries
Primary Abilities: Minor Events
Heroic Abilities: Major Event
Special Mount: Map
- Starts at 2:30min
- Minor Events happens every 30 seconds after the end of the previous.
- Major Event happens 40 seconds after the second minor event.
Minor Events:
- Two of the five High Priest(ess) spawn on it's respective location on the map.
- Teams must defeat the High Priest that will drop a token that must be collected.
- If the token is not collected after 30 seconds of it's spawning, it will be gone.
- Each High Priest will be gone if not attacked in 40 seconds or if not defeated in 1min30seconds, causing it to not spawn the token.
- Each High Priest drops a token with different proprieties. Collecting this tokens will affect the Major Event reward.
Major Event:
- Spirit of Hakkar and Jin'do appears in the middle of the map but neither can be attacked. During this event, Jin'do will cast Dead Zone around him and summon unkillable Shades that will walk around attacking randomly and cause damage on heroes they pass by.
- Spirit of Hakkar is chained by 3 chains that must be destroyed. The team who does more damage to the chain receives it's credits. -
- Healing can be done to remove enemies' team favor over it. The team which destroys 2 chains will be awarded. Breaking the 3 chains grants extra shield for the reward.
- Reward: The avatar of Hakkar the Soulflyer will walk into a lane. Tokens gathered by favored team empowers Hakkar while tokens taken by defavored team decreases his power.
High Priests and Tokens more details on each Priest description
-High Priestess Jeklik(Bat Aspect) - Power of Silence
-High Priest Venoxis(Snake Aspect) - Power of Venon
-High Priestess Mar'li(Spider Aspect) - Power of Root
-High Priest Halazzi(Tiger Aspect) - Power of Atk. Speed
-High Priestess Kilnara(Panther Aspect) - Power of Mov. Speed
1) Replace Halazzi with High Priest Thekal: Halazzi isn't the boss in Zul'Gurub, rather he is a Lynx Avatar in Zul'Aman. High Priest Thekal is the tiger boss of Zul'Gurub.
2) Your idea is to have Hakkar walk to the least pushed lane from his spawn which is always around the middle of the map. This would lead to players of the opposing team to gather at his spawn to start dpsing him down as much as possible before he gets into the lane. My suggestion is to increase Hakkars health to compensate for the time required to get to the lane (just imagine going from his spawn to bot lane which is far from his spawn point). If not you can make him fly to the least pushed lane or have him just spawn at that lane.
Other than that, I think everything else is quite interesting and on point.
Halazzi instead of Thekal is intentional; of course, if it was made by blizz, they would create models and develop the characters a little, so it would change things, but as it is now, I fought thekal was not very interesting so I changed it for a similar boss from Zul'aman. But just because it is a concept and I wanted to make it more appealing.
About the point 2, you are totally right! I'm chaning it to the battlefield of eternity mechanic. Thanks!!