Passive: Upon dying, nearby enemy heroes drop a Coin. Coins can be picked up by Mario, up to a maximum of 10. Upon gaining 10 Coins, whenever Mario dies, he is ressurected after 3 seconds with 75% health and loses all coins.
Primary Abilities
Koopa Shell
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Mario throws a koopa shell forward, stunning any enemy or allied unit it hits for 1.5 seconds.
Fire flower power
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Mario's next five auto attacks become ranged and deal damage in a small aoe around the target. Enemies hit are slowed by 40%.
Mushroom power/fan
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Mario eats a mushroom, healing him for a moderate amount and granting him 30% increased movement speed for 3.5 seconds. While Mushroom power is active, this ability may be reactivated to use Mario's fan, deflecting enemy projectiles for 0.5 seconds.
Heroic Abilities
Ground Pound
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Mario jumps to target location and then slams down to the ground, dealing moderate damage and lowering the attack speed of nearby enemies by 10% for 3 seconds. Additionally, if Fire Flower Power is active, all enemies hit take small damage every second for the next four seconds.
Green Pipe
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Mario places a Green Pipe that can be used by all allied heroes. Using a Green Pipe allows allies to teleport to any allied fort. Lasts for 10 seconds.
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