(Ranged Assassin) An assassin that, together with his trusty six-iron, excels versus mobility and heroes that like to dive in close.
Yes, a scary Overwatch hero. Fear not, he isn't friends with the walls, and his dash isn't all that incredible. With those pesky Shimadas, Australian demolitionists, and British pilots all over the shop, I figured another character focused around anti-mobility was in order, preferably without much of it himself. I knew straight away I wanted to do an ammo mechanic for McCree, as a more-involved take on Tracer's trait, with his various associated talents also being an involved take on Jhin's 4th-shot mechanic, requiring management to inflict certain effects.
-High single-target damage
-High burst in close quarters
-Extensive crowd control options
-Great duelist
-Discourages mobility/dive compositions
-Gets to keep his cigar...maybe
-Requires careful management of his ammo mechanic
-Limited self-sustain
-Limited mobility
-Limited waveclear and multi-target damage
-Ranged damage done almost purely through basic attacks; counterable by physical armor and shut down by blinds
-Expensive mana costs on utility abilities
Medium Difficulty
1660 health
145 basic attack damage
1.5 attack speed
5.5 attack range
450 mana
4% scaling
https://heroeshearth.com/concepts/heroes/Malkav/mccree/ for talent breakdown; much prefer the format there
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