This hero concept is
HEAVILY inspired by a Dota hero called Invoker. This is a very rough idea of how "he" could be implemented into heroes while still staying true to the lore character(
This Hero would be all about his spells. He would be the only hero in the game with access to his "Heroic(s)" at level 1.
He would be slower than all other heroes, when he just walk. but if he has 2 of AA then he would be slightly faster than all "normal" heroes. His Healthpool would be the lowest in the game aswell, so if he got caught out of position, he would pretty much be dead on the spot.
The skill cap on this hero would therefore be fairly high. Because if you are to play him good, it's demanded that you would swap between his Alignments and spells very often. Pre-planning your moves and actions would be essential.
Alignments would be as following: AA would primarily be for the movement(escaping / initiating). FA would be for dealing damage outside his spells. IA would be for sustaining in between harassing/being harassed.
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