Tier 1:
Conjurer's Pursuit
Seasoned Skeletons
For every 10 enemy Minion or captured Mercenary kills near your hero, your skeletons gain 1 Basic Attack damage. Hero Takedowns count as 3 minion kills.
Amped Up
Increase the area of effect and duration of amplify damage by 50%.
Forgotten Graves
Increase the maximum amount of bone walls to 4.
Tier 2:
Life Tap
Basic Attacks heal for 15% of damage dealt to cursed enemies. Skeletons channel the life gained to you.
Poison Dagger (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
Deal 20% of an enemy Hero's Max. Health in damage over 10 seconds. Melee distance.
Corpse Explosion deals 50% extra damage to buildings.
Calcium Resorption
Increase the Health of your Bone Walls by +20 per level.
Tier 3:
Poison Explosion
Corpse explosion applies Envenom to any Hero damaged by it.
Revive (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
D can be activated to simultaneously spawn 3 skeletons on your next attack action.
Mending Bones
Bone Walls that are destroyed by damage will regenerate after 10 seconds.
Tier 4:
Skeleton Mastery
Permanently increases your skeletons' duration by 2 seconds and movement speed and attack speed by 20%.
Poison Nova
Deal 350 (+35 per level) damage over 10 seconds to enemy heroes in an area around you.
Tier 5:
Bone Prison (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
Target becomes surrounded by a wall with +100 Health per level for 5 seconds. While in the Bone Prison you are untargetable and unmovable but can still use traits and abilities.
Enemies dealing damage to a Bone Wall lose 5% of their current Health.
Skeletal Mages
Skeletons have a ranged attack and do an additional 25% damage over 3 seconds.
Spell Shield
Tier 6:
Cursed enemies will have their attack and movement speed reduced by 20%.
Blood for Blood
Bone Shield
Tier 7:
Further increase your skeletons' duration by 2 seconds and movement speed and attack speed by 20%.
All your poison effects deal their damage in half the time.
Nexus Blades
Bolt of the Storm
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