Mercy (Complete concept) by go123452

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Mercy (Complete concept)

By: go123452
Last Updated: Dec 31, 2016
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Mercy (Complete concept)

Guardian Angel

High Mobility Support that can rapidly fly to allies. Mercy can heal allies or improve their damage output with her Caduceus Staff. Does not use energy for her abilities.


Health: 1245 (+4% per level)

Health Regen: 30(+4% per level)

Speed: 4.55 

Attack Speed: 1.7

Attack Damage: 30 (+4% per level)

Attack Range: 5.5

Change Log

11/7/16 - Mercy's Lvl 20 Talent Angelic Blessing now only grants either a healing aura or a damage boost aura depending on the current mode of Valkyrie, instead of both at once. Mercy's Lvl 4 Talent Stun Rounds now has maximum slow capped at 35%.

22/7/16 - Mercy's Emergency Response Talent dropped to Lvl 4. Improved Capacitors removed since it is made redundant by Overwatch. Angelic Strength is now a Lvl 16 talent and no longer grants Unstoppable after Guardian Angel ends. Major reworks to lvl 20 talents. Battlefield Surgery was added to provide Mercy with a means of getting off her rez against a team heavy on damage but low on crowd control. Heroes never Die is reworked to offer a better option against teams with heavy crowd control and lower damage output, or teams that are unable to kill Mercy during Resurrect. Matyr now closes any loopholes you can use to get around her downside, including Divine Palm. In exchange she is immune to crowd control during her ult, although is made more vulnerable to incoming damage. This should mainly be for final pushes or last ditch defenses, where she has already used her resurrect once to secure the numbers advantage and win the critical fight.

25/7/16 - Messenger Angel bonus now increased from 25% to 50%.

28/7/16 - In light of Auriel's talents being released, massively nerfing and reworking Mercy's ultimate to make it different and a higher risk ultimate. Unlike Auriel's ultimate, the revive effect cannot be stopped. However, you can limit the amount of health the enemies revive with by CCing or killing Mercy early in the resurrect. Mercy also needs to be much closer to her targets than Auriel. Her resurrect timing has also been dramatically nerfed to 5 seconds, which means the Mercy is almost certainly going to be focused down, especially since she is so squishy. The window in which Mercy can revive people has also been considerably shortened.

5/8/16 - Health Regen buffed significantly.

6/10/16 - Completely revamped Mercy's ultimate. She now revives allies much much faster and at lower risk to herself, but revived allies are very vulnerable for the window while they are at very low health. Her ultimate now is on a cooldown rather than charge and automatically unlocks at level 10 (her level 10 talents change its behavior slightly.) Level 20 talents revamped.

31/12/16 - Triage changed to having doubled effect if the target is under fire.

Combat Trait

Activate to switch Caduceus Link between Healing Beam and Damage Amplification modes. Mercy has greatly increased health regeneration.  Mercy can see recently dead allies as fallen souls. 

Primary Abilities

Caduceus Link
[Healing Beam] Heal an ally for 145 (+4% per level) health per second

[Damage Amplification] Boost an ally's damage output by 30%

Reactivate to switch targets. Attacking and using Caduceus Burst will end the effect. Can move while channeling.
Guardian Angel
Mercy flies to an ally or a fallen soul, ignoring all terrain obstacles in her path.

Cooldown: 3 seconds
Caduceus Burst
Continuously fire Caduceus Blaster at a rate of 4 Basic Attacks per second for 5 seconds. Shots will be aimed in the direction of the cursor and damage the first target it hits. Using any Abilities will end the effect.

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Heroic Abilities

(Unlocked automatically at Level 10)

Channels for 2 seconds before reviving any nearby fallen souls at 1 HP. Mercy is Unstoppable while channeling. Recently revived allies regenerate 20% of their maximum health per second for 5 seconds as long as Mercy is alive.

Cooldown: 140 seconds

Level 1 Talents

Angelic Descent (W)

Mercy's movement is unobstructed by terrain for 2 seconds after Guardian Angel ends.

Quick Response (W)

Guardian Angel speed is increased by 100%

Messenger Angel (W)

Guardian Angel range is increased by 50%

Scouting Drone

Places a scouting drone at target location, granting vision of a large area around it for 45 seconds. This drone cannot be hidden and is killed by enemies with 2 Basic Attacks. Stores up to 2 charges.

Level 4 Talents


Cooldown: 45 seconds

Activate to cause Caduceus link to heal target for an additional 3% of their maximum health while in Healing Beam mode for 5 seconds. If the target takes damage while Triage is active, the healing amount is increased to 6% per second.

Stun Rounds (E)

Caduceus burst rounds slow the target by 2% for 3 seconds. Subsequent hits stack and refresh the duration. Maximum slow is capped at 35%.

Piercing Rounds (E)

Caduceus burst rounds will penetrate and damage an additional 2 targets.

Emergency Response

Guardian Angel speed and range increased by 100% when targeting allies with less than 40% of their maximum health.

Level 7 Talents

Power Up! (Q)

Damage Amplification's effect increased to 50%.

Beam Integrity (Q)

Increases the time it takes for the Caduceus Link to disconnect by

Level 10 Talents

Mass Resurrect (R)

Resurrect radius increased by 100%.

Rapid Resurrect (R)

Every 100 healing done by Mercy's Caduceus Link reduces Resurrect's cooldown by 0.5 seconds.

Angelic Brilliance (R)

Resurrect will also heal surrounding allies for 20% of their maximum health per second while channeling.

Level 13 Talents

Frenzy (Q)

Damage amplification increases target base attack speed by

Level 16 Talents

Caduceus Aura (Q)

Allies near the Caduceus Link target experience 20% of its effects.

Angelic Strength (W)

Guardian Angel grants Unstoppable throughout its duration.

Locked On! (E)

Caduceus burst rounds will now steer towards the cursor after being fired.

Suppression Field

Nearby Allies take 25% less Ability damage.

Level 20 Talents

Heroes Never Die! (R)

Resurrecting allies are Invulnerable for 1.5 seconds after resurrecting.


Cooldown: 140 seconds

Activate to channel for 1 second before reviving nearby allies at 20% of their maximum and healing them for 50% of their maximum health over 10(+4% per level) seconds. Mercy immediately dies when this ability is activated. This ability is independent of her ultimate's cooldown.

Battlefield Surgery

Mercy can now move and use abilities while Resurrect is channeling.

Angelic Blessing

Mercy radiates an aura that heals nearby allies for 50 (+4% per level)

Additional Notes

Mercy's Caduceus Link works slightly differently from Lt Morales' Healing Beam.

Caduceus Link has a significantly lower cast distance, but will maintain connection at a range approximately equal to Lt Morales. In addition, unlike Healing Beam, Caduceus Link will not instantly disconnect once the target leaves the maximum range. Instead it will persist for 2 seconds, during which the color of the beam will steadily grow darker, before breaking. If the target re-enters the maximum range, the timer is reset.

This means Mercy is much better at maintaining connection with heroes who have a tendency to dive into the enemy, especially since she can follow with Guardian Angel if necessary.

Another point to note is that,

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Yormungdir | July 8, 2016 6:46am
The best and most roginal Mercy Build i have seen on this Side pretty ,uch without a point I think would be unlikely for blizzard to implant. The only Point i see in that Topic would be the Talent Angelic Blessing simply because the boost of that Ability is just far too great the best way to go about that and not make a Mercy Standard Part of PVP Teams would be to remove the Talent completly. This is because with all thos passive boost to nearby Allies there is no Healer you would rather take along than Mercy, I mean Healing comperale to Morales and various passive Boost to allow your Allies to be pretty much stronger then the enemy. And Next would be the Talent Emergency Response, primarly because i can not really understand how that would work if you could please explain that i would be really thankfull.
go123452 | July 9, 2016 1:32pm
Indeed I was thinking about Angelic Blessing a bit. It might be a bit strong, but do consider that it is on a very fragile body and it does not have a big area of effect. Allies would have to be within arm's reach of you to benefit from it. Ultimately, even when combined with Link, it is still less healing than morales on a single target. The damage boost though, is the big draw, but that would have to put you together with damage dealers, making you vulnerable to CC. Its basically the ultimate glass "cannon" option. To get full advantage of it you need to put yourself in harms way, and make it easier for an enemy to catch you. But if the enemy assassins are sleeping, or if your team and you are alert, you might just be able to get away with it. And with mercy already being a big target due to her heroic and her low health pool, her other talents may be more useful if you wish to position more defensively. (I'll still look into it though and think about it).

Emergency Response works as follows. Basically Guardian Angel has a maximum range you can fly to an ally. Im thinking about it, but one screen width seems about right (maybe less). What Emergency response does is that it increases your maximum range to allies who have low health. Meaning you can fly two screen widths (instead of one) to an ally with low health. This stacks with the Messenger Angel trait, so you can literally fly from top to bottom on some maps. You would also fly twice as fast. Its mostly used to rapidly switch lanes and catch an ally in need of healing, good for split pushing teams.

Thanks for the critique :)
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