Michel & Bijou by kid-karma

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Michel & Bijou

By: kid-karma
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2018
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Michel & Bijou

Overwatch Character Concept

Michel's look is half way between a riot cop and a general. He carries a specialized baton and a Hard-Light riot shield. The riot shield would be integral to his silhouette and fantasy. When he isn't actively using it to block attacks from the front, it is stored on his back, blocking damage from behind. With the shield stored in this way Michel has a sort of "Paladin" look.

Michel wears a black beret with a fleur-de-lis crest over his close cut hair. Note the Genesis implant visible on his temple. He has a strong face, emphasized by a large mustache with stubble just on the verge of turning "salt and pepper" in color. His neck is protected by a large black collar. In terms of body armor, he wears a padded vest with various patches of fiberglass armor on his shoulders and arms.

This body armor doesn't look especially thick on Michel because he is tall and lean (about 20% larger than Reaper, although he often hunches when running or using his shield). Much of his height is in his legs, with his camo pants tucked into his large black combat boots emphasizing this further. He carries Bijou's leash, smartly folded and buttoned tight to his hip. The leash is no longer necessary; more of a keepsake.

Michel is quiet and serious, more likely to answer a question with a stern look than with words. Although not particularly ill-tempered, he does not suffer fools. This hard exterior belies a kind heart; one that is on full display when he interacts with Bijou.

He is a man of deep faith and conviction, and even though these principles guide his life he does not share these views with those around him. For Michel these feelings are deeply personal. It's hard to know how he feels about turning away thousands of Omnic refugees at his border, but it is his duty and he takes it seriously. Conviction to a cause and loyalty to close friends are the things he values most.

Bijou was a German Shepherd and retains that look (although alternate skins would offer different breeds of dogs). She is made of Hard-Light however, and thus would appear crystalline and translucent. She has a police harness to give her silhouette some more interesting features, and would have that trade-mark German Shepherd stance with the lowered hind-quarters. When she is following Michel she stays tightly next to his side, head lowered in anticipation.

Combat Trait

K-9 Unit
Michel is accompanied by a Hard-Light approximation of his late K-9 partner "Bijou", accessed by a chip implanted in the memory center of his brain.

Primary Abilities

Left Click - Matraque / Pistol
Swing a short ranged melee baton with an electrically charged end.

- Deals bonus damage to shields and armor. Electricity from the Matraque will arc out slightly to nearby enemies, extending the range of the attack and making Michel's melee style of combat more forgiving.

Michel's Matraque has a similar appearance to that of the "Z6 Riot Control Baton" from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

Press 1 to toggle to your Pistol.

- Pistol has six shots and a long reload. It should merely be used to poke. Michel's primary damage comes from his Matraque.
His pistol is blunt and utilitarian. He carries it in a holster on his hip. He fires it with a policeman style stance, using two hands.
Right Click - Riot Shield
Michel holds up a small Hard-Light shield in front of himself, allowing him to block incoming projectiles.

- Shield has 250 health

- When inactive shield is stored on his back, blocking damage from behind

- When shield is destroyed it goes on a brief cooldown

Michel's Riot Shield has the same shape as a standard police riot shield, although it would be made of Hard-Light, similar to Reinhardt's shield. It is only large enough to protect him. When stored on his back it would give him a "Paladin" type look.
Shift - Rendezvous
Teleport to Bijou's location.
E - Sic 'Em
Sic Bijou on the target enemy, causing her to run towards them and begin attacking once she reaches her target.

- While Bijou is fixated on a target this ability turns into 'Heel'. Use Heel to call Bijou back to your side.

- Michel can see Bijou through walls

- Bijou returns to Michel if she has been out of his line of sight for too long

- Bijou has 500 health that regenerates after she hasn't taken damage in awhile. If Bijou is killed she respawns after 10 seconds.
Q - Tear Gas
Fire a canister that bursts when it collides with terrain, blanketing a large area under a cloud of tear gas.

- Enemies that come in contact with Tear Gas have their vision blurred and their field of vision reduced for five seconds. Additionally their movement speed is slowed by 20%.

The Tear Gas gun would be short and blunt. Michel carries this strapped to his back.


Michel wants to get in your face and brawl it out. As he is the "tankiest" of the proper Offense heroes, his damage output is relatively low for his class.

For ranged attacks he has a small pistol that fires six shots before it needs to be reloaded. It should only be used to poke distant targets or to finish off an escaping enemy that you can't reach. Michel much prefers being in melee range, softening enemies up with his Matraque. This electrified baton deals bonus damage to shields and armor, allowing him to open up the enemy's defenses and rewarding him for the risk inherent in his close-quarters playstyle.

Bijou is used as a gap closer. She is targeted and behaves similarly to Zenyatta's Orb of Discord. Once she is fixated on a target she runs toward them at very high speeds (about as fast as a charging Reinhardt). When she arrives she sticks to them, dealing small amounts of damage every second. If she is out of Michel's line of sight for too long she will return to him. Once Bijou arrives at her target, Michel teleports to her location to join the fight.

Michel's Riot Shield is only large enough to defend himself. To use the shield the player holds down right click, much like when playing Reinhardt. This defensive action prevents you from using your weapons or other abilities. When the shield is not being deployed in front, it passively sits on Michel's back, blocking damage from behind. The health of this shield is shared between its active and passive states. Although it is powerful to have a shield that can be worn in either direction, it can be destroyed in either state. Michel can't regenerate his shield charge just by putting it away if someone is shooting him from behind.

When Michel allows the shield to move to his back he is able to disengage from a fight with a degree of safety. This suits his ebb and flow play-style: sic Bijou on a target, rendezvous with her, beat 'em down, disengage.

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