Concept: My idea for Han and Horner was a Hero that excels at split pushing down the enemy with a strong companion, the player controls Mira Han the demolition expert and can instruct a Demios Viking commanded by Matt Horner to continuously push a certain lane.
Mira is a mana hungry Ranged Assassin with exceptionally good wave clear both on her own and when assisted by her Viking, bringing the fight to the enemies base at record time. Stats: Mira Han: Attack Type: ranged
Attack Speed: 0.8
Attack Range: 5.5 Attack Damage: 110 Health: 1475 Health Regen: 3 Mana: 500
The Viking's health will scale along side your stats, but not his damage.
Combat Trait
Significant Other
Cooldown: 5 seconds D:
Command Matt Horner's next Viking to attack the selected lane.
Passive: Your basic attacks explode dealing 50% damage to nearby enemies. Passive: A Viking will spawn every 3 minion waves attacking the selected lane, the Viking can't be controlled.
The Viking has 2 abilities: Shredder Rounds - Cooldown: 10 seconds. Fire a volley of shots ahead dealing 34 damage to all enemies in a range 7 directly infront of the Viking. Terran Armor - Cooldown: 25 seconds. Give all nearby allied minions 25 armor against non-Hero units for 5 seconds
Default selected lane is the bottom most lane.
The Viking awards 140 XP on death.
Similarly to other summoned units, the Viking will only grant you XP if landing the finishing blow.
The Viking will only use abilities in combat.
The Viking will be in airborne mode while out of combat granting it additional 30% movement speed so it can keep up with the minion waves, attacking will transform the Viking into walker mode.
Mira's basic attack is throwing a grenade, its explosion radius is 1.25.
Primary Abilities
Nitro Boost
15 Mana
Cooldown: 3 seconds Q:
Propel yourself forwards in a burst of speed pushing all enemies in your path to the side and slowing them by 50% for 1 second.
Stores up to 2 charges.
Range - 4
The cooldown between using each charge is 0.5 seconds.
KD8 Charge
60 Mana
Cooldown: 10 seconds W:
Throw down a charge nearby, after 2 seconds or whenever Mira damages an enemy on the charge it explodes dealing 140 damage and knocking back all enemies hit. If Mira is in the explosion radius as the charge explodes she gains an additional 40% movement speed for 1 second.
Throw Range - 4
Explosion Radius - 2
The explosion will knock enemies 3 units back and leave them airborne for 0.1 seconds during the knockback.
Tar Bomb
80 Mana
Cooldown: 12 seconds E:
Drop a tar bomb from the sky that deals 42 damage to each enemy it rolls over until hitting a wall, structure, enemy Hero or Mira's KO8 Charge, then it explodes into flames dealing 35 damage every 0.25 seconds and lasting 4 seconds.
Cast time - 1 second (during which you can still move but not attack or use other abilities)
Deploy Range - 6
Roll Range - 6
Explosion Radius - 5
Heroic Abilities
W.I.L.D Barrage
90 Mana
Cooldown: 80 seconds R:
Call an airstrike onto an area of the map, after 2.5 seconds the area is bombarded with missiles moving from the outer ring to the middle of the circle dealing 345 damage to each enemy hit by it. Deals 75% less damage to buildings. Unlimited Range.
Radius - 7
This attack deals 3 instances of damage in three rings - the outer ring, the inner ring and the middle or the selected area.
Precision Strike
70 Mana
Cooldown: 70 seconds R:
Mark a straight line for bombardment, 0.25 seconds later Strike Fighters swoop down to strike that area dealing 234 damage and an additional 10 damage every 0.25 seconds for 0.5 seconds.
Deploy Range - 20
Strike Range - 12
Explosion Radius - 4
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