Moam (Complete Concept) by MustDieKa

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Moam (Complete Concept)

By: MustDieKa
Last Updated: Jul 4, 2016
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Moam (Complete Concept)

Obsidian Statue

Moam is strong support who can switch to Destroyer form in which your support abilities change to damage but you lose spell shield

Combat Trait

Morph into Destroyer / Morph into Statue (D)
Moam transforms between two forms

Primary Abilities

Essense of Blight (Q)
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Cost: 40 mana

Heal an ally for 320 (150 + 4% per level) Health.
Spirit Touch (W)
Cooldown: 10 sec
Mana: 0

Create a chain between you and allied hero passing 200 mana to him over 4 seconds. Can be canceled before ending.
Turn to Stone (E)
Cooldown: 25 sec
Mana: 30

Become immobile and invulnerable for 4 seconds and restore 10% of you Health and Mana. Still can cast abilities but cannot attack.
Spell Immunity

Moam takes only 25% of incoming ability damage

Secondary Abilities

Arcane explosion (Q)
Cooldown: 9 sec
Mana: 50

Deal each hero in small area around you damage equal to 30% of your current mana
Absorb Mana (W)
Cooldown: 8 sec
Mana: 0

Takes 10% of enemy hero maximum mana and gives it to Destroyer
Orb of Annihilation

Your basic attacks splash doing 20% area of effect damage

Heroic Abilities

Healing Sense

When enemy hero is healed (by any sources) reveal him on the map to your team for 5 seconds and slow him by 10% for 3 seconds.
Devour Magic (R)
Cooldown: 100 sec
Mana: 100

Creates large area on battlefield where both allied and enemy heroes cannot use Abilities. Lasts for 12 seconds.

Special Mount

Has no mount


HP: 1650 (+4/LVL)
HP Regen: 4.2773 (+4/LVL)
Mana: 500 (+0/LVL)
Mana Regen: 3 (+0/LVL)

Statue form:
Attack Damage: 55 (+4/LVL)
Attack Speed: 0.9 (+0/LVL)

Destroyer form:
Attack Damage: 145 (+4/LVL)
Attack Speed: 0.9 (+0/LVL)


Level 1
Conjurer's Helper: Every Regeneration Globe that you gather counts for all Conjurer's Pursuit quest talents in your team (every globe can count only once for each Hero)
Stone wings: Increase your movement speed by 10%
Marksman's Helper: Every enemy minion and hero killed near you counts for all Seasoned Marksman quest talents in your team (everyone can count only once for each Hero)
Level 4
Protective Shield: Activate to shield allied hero for 15% of their maximum health for 5 seconds
Harder and Harder: Decrease Turn To Stone cooldown by 4 seconds
Satan's Nail: Increase your attack speed in Destroyer form by 20%
Level 7
Obsidian shield: Spirit Touch also shields target for 20% of their maximum health during channelling
Mana addict: Decrease cooldown of Absorb Mana by 2 seconds
Mana blast: Absorb mana also damages target's nearby allies
Volcanic power: If Spirit Touch lasts its full duration empower target's next basic ability by 20%
Bleeding Stone: Enemy basic attacks against you reduce your basic ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds
Level 10
See heroic abilities section
Level 13
Shrink ray: Activate to reduce an Enemy Hero's damage by 50% and Movement Speed by 50% for 4 seconds
Healing touch: Increase Essense of Blight heal amount by 20%
Wisdom of stone: Remove mana cost of Arcane Explosion
Sulfuric bath: Essense of Blight also casts Cleanse on target
Level 16
Imposing Presense: Heroes and Summons that attack you have their attack speed reduced by 40%
Target dummy: Enemy towers/forts/core focus you if you use Turn to Stone in their range
Overdrive: Activate to increase your basic ability healing/damage by 40% and increase their mana cost by 40% for 5 seconds
Level 20
Risky healing (R1): Increase slow amount to 20% and reduce all enemy healing to 90%
Controlled Silence (R2): Devour Magic now has global range and can be cancelled at any time
Healing stone: Heals nearby allied Heroes for 40 every second
Rewind: Activate to reset cooldowns of your basic abilities

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