Mohandar (Void Ray Inspired) by VikingEagle

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Mohandar (Void Ray Inspired)

By: VikingEagle
Last Updated: Oct 29, 2015
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Mohandar (Void Ray Inspired)

Nerazim Prelate

Void Rays are one of the most (in)famous Protoss units in Starcraft 2, so I'm doing my best to bring one into the Nexus in the form of Mohandar. 

Feedback is greatly appreciated as this has been harder to adapt then I thought.

Explanation: Mohandar's Prismatic Beam is produced by a large Phase Crystal that he carries with himself while 4 smaller ones orbit behind him (Like Kael's Verdant Spheres) that provide extra power.

Ranged Assassin
Difficulty: Medium – Hard
HP: 750 (+140)
Mana: 500 (+10)
Basic Attack Damage: 40 (+8) 
Basic Attack Speed: 1
Basic Attack Range: 5.5

Combat Trait

Prismatic Beam
(Passive) Every 1.5 seconds you keep attacking the same target, your basic attack damage increases by 25%, max of 4 stacks. After 3 seconds of not attacking, the stacks quickly decay.

Primary Abilities

Phase Blast
(Skillshot) Fires a burst of Phase energy that explodes on the first target hit, dealing 70 (+12) damage in a small AoE. Deals an additional 25% damage for every stack of Prismatic Beam. Mana Cost: 50Cooldown: 9.
Prismatic Alignment
(Self Buff) For the next 4 seconds, your Basic Attacks deal extra damage equal to 1% of a heroes’ maximum health. Bonus Damage is increased by 0.25% of a heroes’ max HP for every stack of Prismatic Beam. Mana Cost: 60. Cooldown: 12.
(AoE) Slows all enemies by 50% in an AoE for 2 seconds. Mana Cost: 75. Cooldown: 16.

Heroic Abilities

Phase Assault
(Self Buff) For 15 seconds, your Phase Crystals follow your target, continuing to attack them even if they exit your attack range or stun you. Mana Cost: 100. Cooldown: 60.
Black Hole
(AoE Summon) Creates a Black Hole that drags nearby enemies toward its center, does not daze enemies. Once an enemy is caught in the Black Hole, it cannot escape through any means, save teleportation abilities like Bolt of the Storm. Duration: 5 seconds. Mana Cost: 100. Cooldown: 70.


Level 1:
Q – Refunds 20 Mana if the first target hit is an enemy hero.
Q – Increase Range by 50%.
D – Stack decay now begins after not attacking for 5 seconds.
W – Also grants you an additional 20% damage to structures and every basic attack destroys 1 ammo.
Level 4:
Vampiric Assault
Q – Each stack of Prismatic Beam also increases the explosion radius by 15%.
E – Stuns Non-heroic enemies for 5 seconds.
Level 7:
W – Reduces the cooldown by 4 seconds.
W – Increase the Prismatic Beam Bonus Damage multiplier to 0.5% of a heroes’ max HP. (Max of 2% bonus)
E – Increase radius by 50%.
E – Also reduces basic attack speed by 40% for 3 seconds.
Level 10:
Heroic abilities
Level 13:
W – You gain 2 stacks of Prismatic Beam on activation.
E – Increase the slow duration by 1 second.
Q – Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Phase Blast by 0.5 seconds for each Prismatic Beam stack active while attacking.
D – Each Stack of Prismatic Beam increases your basic attack range by 0.5 (Max of 7.5).
Shroud of Adun: Activate to become Invisible for 6 seconds and increase your movement speed by 30% for 4 seconds. Cooldown: 40.
Level 16:
W – Also increases your attack speed by 25%, this does not increase the speed of Prismatic Beam stack generation.
E – If only one enemy is hit, they are stunned for 1.5 seconds.
Blood For Blood
Level 20:
R1: Whenever an enemy hero dies while being targeted by Phase Assault, extend its duration by 8 seconds.
R2: Enemies take 25% increased damage while caught inside the Black Hole.
D: Each Stack of Prismatic Beam increases your attack speed by 10% and reduces the activation time of your next Stack by 0.5 seconds.
Bolt of the Storm

Flavorful Talent names coming Soon™

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