v2.0 - Revamped the descriptions and formatting, as well as some minor number tweaks.
v1.9 - Totemic Slam *REWORK: Now creates a circle of stronger totems that when destroyed, enter a very short cooldown.
Totems reworked, now instead of having 8 seconds cooldown, they have 12 seconds if destroyed, but if Morgl recasts the totem after 3 seconds, the cooldown is halved.
v1.8 - Fixed tooltips
v1.7 - Descriptions and text even easier on the eye. Too easy at this point. (what does that even mean)
v1.6 - Cloak of Tides now only needs 3 seconds to activate stealth, down from 3.5 seconds.
Reclaim the Land now deals 100% bonus damage to structures, down from 175%. (!)
v1.5 - Increased Fire Nova Totem damage by 1% per level.
Mgrlrl Totems! now also grants 10% increased health to totems.
Reclaim the Land now deals 175% bonus damage to structures, up from 150%.
Totemic Slam now increases totem health by 75%, up from 50%.
v1.4 - Protective Bubble tooltip changed.
Colossus of the Depths now increases size by 20%, down from 25%. Increases Golem movement speed by 10%. No longer doubles Golem Forked Lightning distance.
v1.31 - Added New formatting style more in line with my newer concepts!
v1.3- Fixed wording, made layout easier to read and more pleasant for the eye.
v1.2 - Earth Shock silence duration reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.
Primal Fusion Earth Shock root duration tweaked to 0.75 seconds from 1 second.
Specialized Earth Shock no longer halves cooldown. Instead it reduces the cooldown by 2 seconds.
Totemic Crusher bonus damage to structures reduced from 50% to 40%.
Specialized Forked Lightning effect changed from 15% attack speed slow for 2 seconds to 25% for 1.5 seconds.
v1.1 - Healing Stream Totem healing changed from 3.5% to 2%.
Water Attunement Healing Stream Totem buff changed from 5% to 3.5%.
Totemic Crusher Tier 7 Talent Movement Speed changed from 25% to 15%.
Fixed some text
v1.0 - Released!
Lvl 1: Fire Attunement
Lvl 4: Totemic Might
Lvl 7: Fire Nova Mastery
Lvl 10: Totem Crusher
Lvl 13: Specilized Lava Burst
Lvl 16: Protective Bubble
Lvl 20: Reclaim the Land
One thing I'd add is that it seems like you may want to put a short cooldown on all his totems when he places one down, so he can't spam four totems just by hitting 1, 2, 3, 4 as fast as he can. You may have already been presuming the cooldown actually, since that's how they do it in WoW, but it's not spelled out.
I might also consider giving the totems slightly shorter reuse times, but adding a longer cooldown if they are destroyed, to make destroying his totems a clear counter technique when fighting him while allowing him to be a little more mobile. Or possible adding a mana cost to the totems but lower cooldowns so he can choose to move around more at the expense of draining his mana quickly.
It also seems like the mana-regen from water specialization at level one is too much. Either he will always run out of mana without it or it's so powerful that he never runs out of mana with it. By itself that wouldn't be a problem, but that means it may very well be a dps choice by allowing him to cast more often, meaning choosing to specialize in water can boost damage as much as the other specialties while also giving a nice healing potential.
Finally I'd consider a talent that allows summoning a stronger version of the totems but with shorter duration, either one that affects all totems or one that gives a toggleable ability which will allow casting any totem even if it's on cooldown and make that one totem stronger, just to give some more versatility, particularly in cases where the enemy has lots of AOES. In fact a simple talent to lower damage totems take from AOE early in his talent tree would be a good idea, an AOE heavy champ seems like a very hard counter right now and so having a talent to deal with them would help.
A talent, or even a series of talents, to boost his melee power (and tankiness) may also be welcome if he doesn't want to focus on any particular totem. at level 1 one of those "increase attack power for each enemy killed" standard talents. Maybe an earth shield talent around tier 3 that gives him a self shield that explodes when destroyed (or time runs out) to do some damage to nearby enemies, and a talent named after one of the shaman weapon buffs (forget which is which now) which empowers the next AA against a hero every X seconds, cooldown reduced for every AA landed. That would give a decent selection to represent the enhancment shamman, and gives him some much needed survivability talent option for a magic/support/specialist who can't be innately tanky for balance reasons and yet is forced to the frontline by melee attack range and need to use his trait.
I agree with the totem mechanic. I've changed how they work in the starting notes, but pretty much now their cooldown is 12 seconds after destroyed, but if after 3 seconds they are still alive, Morgl can recast the ability to recall the totem and start the cooldown at halved duration. This should encourage smart positioning with the totems, and punishes him severely for getting them killed. 12 seconds means he can't place more than 1 (or 2 in long teamfights).
I kind of intentionally placed the mana regen so his healer Attunement would be very sustainable. It's a way to make Morgl have a choice - either become really hard to push out of lane, or pick up more damage. Some may say infinite mana is op, but that only shows around mid game. Early, getting pushed out of lane or having to back up costs a lot less than late game, which is a fair trade if Morgl deems it necessary to stay around more vs dealing more damage. I might reduce his mana regen from 50% to around 35% or 40% though, it still sounds quite good.
I have reworked Totemic Slam so it fits that description of Stronger but weaker totems! Now it serves a better purpose :D
About a tanky Morgl, I'll have to see how I implement that. I think I'll tweak some talents from the Earth Tree and see how it looks. About Questing talents and the shield, both could be, but I'm not keen on questing talents, a personal choice.
I would avoid representing enh shammy because of Thrall and to some extent Rehgar, but being tanky is definitely an option.
As for a Build, why, Lightning is always fun, so what about maybe: Wind Attunement, Totemic Spirits, Varies dependent on what you need(Likely Fire/Water buff), Totem Colossus, Specialized Forked Lightning, Protective Bubble/Cloak of Tides, and Colossus of the Depths/Totemic Slam. Overall I'd say this build is a safe build, and specializes in combat from a safe distance. Perhaps not the best build, but one I might use.
I appreciate the appraisal, keeps me motivated :D
Regarding Healing Stream Totem, I just revised it and you are indeed right. 5% is like x2.5 of the normal healing totem, and albeit that isn't the most picked talent, it's not completely unusable. I opted for 2% so now it feels like the normal Healing Totem Talent, but once talented for a healing build Morgl can heal for 3.5%, which is pretty decent for a specialist. Also yay murlocs!
I'll put that Lightning Build first thing tomorrow morning as well.
edit: By the way, I think your build would be the Hero Damage one! If my calculations are right, you should indeed deal more hero damage with Lightning Build rather than Fire Build. I personally would go for Protective Bubble since Forked Lightning pretty much requires you to be in the middle of the enemy team. Getting there can be easy but getting out or surviving for another round of Forked Lightning seems tricker.
And, I seem to have misjudged the Lightning range! Well, this certainly makes a few minor changes to what I think I'd suggest; Namely always the Fire Buff at Level 7/Tier 3, with a bit of a heavier preference towards Colossus of the Depths. I look forward to what other builds people suggest. Although, now that I look at it, I worry that an Earth Shock build is rather overpowered; that's 2/3 seconds that people are spending silenced, making it quite ridiculous if you can keep near a Mage.
And just realized that I made an ability that silences for 2 seconds at a 3 seconds cooldown, oh lordie. Gonna change that right away. Thanks for pointing that stuff out!
By the way I just saw your Iron Juggernaut concept, nice work. Laughed at the random Gnar popping up!
I'll leave a couple comments over there