Tier 1:
D - From Death Comes Life: Whenever a nearby enemy minion dies, restore 2.5% of your maximum health and 2% of your maximum mana.
D - Nature's Blessing: Whenever you hit an enemy with an ability, you gain a charge of Spell Block, reducing the damage from the next enemy Ability against you by 50%. Can hold up to 3 charges.
Q - Life Finds a Way: Squirrel Assault now goes over terrain and its width is increased by 200%.
W - Bristled Skin: If Bear Toss hits an enemy hero, you gain a shield for 20% of your maximum health for 12 seconds.
Tier 2:
D - Nature's Awareness: Quest! Capturing a mercenary camp passively increases your damage done by 4%, up to 20%. Reward!: Upon capturing 5 mercenary camps, also gain 5% bonus movement speed and 25% increased vision radius.
D - Hasty Friend-Making: Friend of the Wilds' cooldown is reduced by 40%.
D - Critter Commander: Friend of the Wilds increases minion damage done by 35%.
D - Friendship Never Ends!: Mercenaries are now also affected by Friend of the Wilds.
Tier 3:
E - Feast on the Mighty: Eagle Call deals 150% increased damage against enemy heroes.
Q - Ankle Bite: Squirrel Assault now also roots enemy heroes for 1.25 seconds.
D - Natural Momentum: Killing an enemy with an ability reduces your Basic Ability cooldowns by 1.5 seconds.
1 - Majestic Leap: Activate to leap towards a target direction. 8 sec cooldown. 2 charges.
Tier 4:
R1 - Nature's Call
R2 - Lullaby
Tier 5:
D - Nature's Guardian: Friend of the Wilds also affects the nearest allied hero and grants them a shield for 15% of your maximum health every 10 seconds.
E - Infested Talons: Eagle Call now also reveals its targets for 10 seconds and causes them to take medium damage over that duration.
W - Un-Bear-able Pain: Bear Toss deals 50% increased damage on rooted, stunned or slowed targets.
W - Safe Landing: Bear Toss' cooldown is halved if it hits an enemy.
Tier 6:
E - Flock Together: Eagle Call gains a second charge and its damage is increased by 15% per eagle alive.
W - Cub Lob: Bear Toss's range is increased by 33% and it's delay is reduced by 50%.
Q - Critter Kill Squad: Squirrel Assault increases your attack speed and attack range by 25% for 8 seconds if it hits an enemy hero.
D - Boss Friend Benefits: Friend of the Wilds can now be used on Boss mercenaries to deal 50% of their health as damage.
Tier 7:
R1 - Lively Environment: Nature's Call's radius is increased by 50% and it now also affects allied heroes and mercenaries, for 15% of its effect.
R2 - Sleepwalk: You can now move and cast abilities while channeling Lullaby.
D - Boundless Friendship: Friend of the Wilds' passive radius is now global and the damage reduction is increased to 35%.
Z - Make Haste: Activate to increase the Movement Speed bonus of Dryad's Swiftness to 80% for 6 seconds.
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