Level 1
Nine Lives (Active)
If Naisha loses 40% of her health at once, she can activate this ability within 1.5 seconds to quickly dash to the direction she is facing and recover 20% of her health. This effect has a 24 second cooldown.
Dash Distance: 3 (Li Ming Blink)
Light of Elune (W)
(Quest): Gather Regeneration Globes to increase Health Regeneration by 1 while Elune's Blessing is Active.
(Reward): After gathering 15 Regeneration Globes, reduce Elune's Blessing's cooldown by 1 second.
(Reward): After gathering 30 Regeneration Globes, reduce Elune's Blessing's cooldown by another 2 more seconds.
Huntress' Fury (E)
(Quest): Every Enemy Minion killed near you grants 0.1 damage to Moon Glaive and Takedowns grant 0.5 damage.
(Reward): Upon gaining 40 bonus damage, you can also activate Huntress' Fury to increase its travel speed by 40% for 4 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
Enchanted Glaives (E)
Increase maximum number of bounces by 1 and deals 50% more damage to Non-heroes.
Level 4
Ambush (Q)
Remaining outside enemy vision for 3 seconds increases Pounce's range by 100%. Bonuses are lost when seen by enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Shadowmeld (Passive)
While Naisha is inside a bush, Elune's Blessing is no longer broken instantly. Instead, it beaks 4 seconds after the first instance of damage she takes. Elune's Blessing's cooldown begins after it is broken not upon taking damage.
Prowl (Passive)
While Naisha is is not seen by enemies, she reveals enemies within 150% of her vision range.
Level 7
Sabre Fangs (Trait)
Takedowns increase healing gained from basic attacks by 2% up to 30%. Stacks are lost upon death.
Pounce can now be used on allies, recovering 50% of its cooldown and mana cost.
Elune's Grace (W)
While Elune's Blessing is active, recover 1 mana every second and every time Moon Glaive damages an enemy.
Light Blades (E)
Increase the cast range of your next Moon Glaive by 40% every 10 seconds. Light Blades' cooldown is reduced by 1 second every time a Moon Glaive damages an enemy.
Level 10
Eyes of the Watchers (R1)
Moon Shard (R2)
Level 13
Prayer to Elune (Active)
Activate to cause Elune's Blessing to activate and become unbreakable for 4 seconds. 45 second cooldown.
Hunt Down (Q)
Using pounce increases Nightsaber's attack speed by 30% and reveals the target enemy for 4 seconds.
Blessed Shield (W)
While Elune's Blessing is Active, Naisha gains a charge of Blessed Shield every 8 seconds that reduces damage taken from abilities that Stuns, Roots, Polymorphs or Silences Naisha to 0.
Level 16
Wild Cat (Trait)
Basic attacks deal damage equal to 1.5% of the Enemy Heroes' Max HP.
Blessed Marksmanship (W)
While Elune's Blessing is active, Moon Glaives will always deal damage as if it has already bounced to its max amount but its damage no longer increase with each bounce.
Strength of the Moon (E)
Moon Glaives ignores Armor.
Moon Armor (Active)
Activate to gain a shield equal to 30% of your MAX HP that blocks spell damage for 4 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
Level 20
Watchful Gaze (R1)
Passively ping
[!]Danger the location of 1 random enemy hero in the battlefield every 10 seconds. Can Ping Cloaked Enemies. The Ping Targets the ground thus does not follow enemies when they move.
Total Eclipse (R2)
Over the course of Eclipse, Enemies' Line of Sight will now diminish to 0 from 4 over 4 seconds and increase back to 4 over the next 4 seconds.
Lunar Frenzy (E)
Moon Glaives can now bounce indefinitely. Damage dealt by extra bounces is the damage dealt by the max bounce. Can reactivate return to cause the Glaive to return to Naisha while the Glaive has already bounced over its max bounces.
Maiev's Revenge (Passive)
Dying causes Maiev to Blink over you and strike enemies within melee range, cleaving for 150(+4%) damage. Enemies hit are tethered to your death location. If the enemies move too far away, they are pulled back towards your corpse.
"That is for Naisha!"
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