(Melee Assassin) An assassin with subtle map presence that excels at bursting down singular opponents.
Remarkably the simplest concept I've probably made and another wishlist item for Diablo. For once, I wanted to make someone with a bit of mobility, and the assassin was one of my favorites from D2. Kharazim meets Valeera, I used her level 1 tier and basic attacks as a method of giving her a different kind of combo point system, in addition to making her finishers usable at all points. The rest of her kit and talents are mixed elements from the assassin's three talent trees. Shadow Warrior is somewhat reusing my Phantom Assassin inspiration for Akama, but it's a way to shake her up from her counterparts without giving her straight-up stealth. Some credit to
https://www.heroesfire.com/hots/concept/natalya-7060 for the idea of delayed, replicated attacks, and I do admittedly like their iteration way more, but I went for simplicity with mine. Most of her strength is divvied up between her talent choices, making up for some of her innate weaknesses, and opening up some glorious piano potential.
-High single-target dps and burst
-Good mobility (for a change)
-Decent waveclear
-Varied options for charge mechanic
-Good options for engage and initiation
-Fast roations
-Lack of self-sustain and crowd control in base kit
-Limited defensive ability in base kit
-Vulnerable to blinds
-Limited in-and-out capability in base kit
-Mediocre team fight heroics
-Must spend time basic attacking for full functionality
Medium Difficulty
1550 health
70 basic attack damage
2.0 attack speed
1.4 attack range
500 mana
4% scaling
https://heroeshearth.com/concepts/heroes/Malkav/natalya/ full talents can be seen here, for much easier organization
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