Nazgrim by tkal

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By: tkal
Last Updated: Jun 17, 2017
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General of the Horde

Health 1,858 (+4.0%)
Regen 3.87 (+4.0%)
Mana 500 (+10)
Regen 3.00 (+9.8%)
Atk Sp 0.91 per second
Damage 172 (+4.0%)

In life, Nazgrim was one of the greatest generals of the Horde. In death, he is a powerful champion of the Ebon Blade. Few, living or dead, can match his might in battle. Nazgrim was a reoccuring orc quest giver and first appeared in the Grizzly Hills as a Sergeant. After the Lich King's defeat, during the Cataclysm, he was promoted to Legionnaire and sent to Vashj'ir After escaping from the naga there, he was promoted to General and sent to Pandaria.



v0.1: Changed Nazgrims abilities slightly, thus modifying talents.
v0.2: Modified Execute's numbers and changed Dire Blood.
v0.3 Changed Execute entirely and changed Dire Blood to Brothers in Arms

Combat Trait

Blood and Honor
Nearby friendly heroes gain 10% increased armor, health, and damage. When a hero dies near Nazgrim gain 7% increased health. This bonus is lost upon death.

Increased armor, health and damage does not effect Nazgrim.

Primary Abilities

Bloody Cleave (Q)
Mana: 40
Cooldown: 4 seconds

Throw your axe in an arc, dealing 264 (+4% per level) damage to enemies

Ref Scale:Jaina's Upgraded Cone of Cold, the axe going from right to left.
Frenzy (W)
Cooldown:13 seconds

Deal 47 (+4% per level) damage to an enemy and place a Bounty on their head. The enemy is revealed for 12 seconds.
The revealed enemy takes 10% increased damage taken for the duration if killed during the duration reset the cooldown.
Berserker Strength (E)
Cooldown:20 seconds

Automatically activates to gain 40 (+4% per level) basic attack damage and 25 (+4% per level) armor and spell armor when Nazgrim is below 45% Health.
Lasts 8 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Brothers in Arms (R)
Mana: 75
Cooldown: 80 seconds

Activate to increase the movement and attack speed of all nearby allied minions, mercenaries and heroes by 35%. If they have less than 55% health gain 25 armor and 45 spell armor.
During the duration if any enemy heroes are killed reset your basic ability cooldowns.

Lasts 7 seconds.
Execute (R)
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 160 seconds

Chain an enemy hero to a post for 1.2 seconds , if they are below 42% health deal 420 (+4% per level) and cause them to lose vision for 1.52 seconds if not deal 150 (+4% per level).



No Matter How Dire (Blood and Honor)
Blood and Honor stack loss reduced from 10 to 5.

The Battle (Bloody Cleave)
Quest:Hitting enemy heroes 20 times with Bloody Cleave increases it damage by 5.
Reward:Bloody Cleave radius increased by 15% and damage increased by an additional 20.

Never Forsake It (Bloody Cleave)
After Nazgrim dies, he is able to cast a untalented Bloody Cleave from the grave near where he died.


Remnant of the Blood (Frenzy)
Healing against heroes increased by 5%.

Charged Strikes (Basic Attacks)
Basic Attacks against enemy heroes reduces their ability power by 1% up to 10%.

Training Practice (Basic Attacks)
Damage to monsters and mercenaries increased by 35%.


Rage (Berserker Strength)
Nazgrim can now activate Berserker Strength.

Rending Cleave (Bloody Cleave)
Bloody Cleave now deals an additional 15% damage to enemy heroes caught in it.

Blood (Blood and Honor)
Increase nearby friendly minions damage by 50 for the amount of stacks you control.

Honor (Blood and Honor)
Increase nearby friendly minions health by 50 for the amount of stacks you control.


Dire Blood (Heroic)
Mana: 75
Cooldown: 80 seconds

Summons two Dire Orcs at target location. The Dire Orc's Basic Attacks do 78 (+4% per level) damage, splash for 25% damage and slow. Can reactivate the Ability to retarget the Dire Orcs. Lasts 20 seconds.

Execute (Heroic)
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 80 seconds

Target an enemy hero below 65% health. Stun them for 2.4 seconds then deal 810 (+5% per level) damage to the enemy hero.
If the enemy hero is killed lower your heroic ability cooldown by 10 seconds.


Vampiric Blade (Basic Attack)
Basic Attacks on enemy heroes life-steals to heal for 6% of your health.

Strength in Numbers (Blood and Honor)
Blood and Honor bonuses are increased by 10%.

Bounty-Hunter (Frenzy)
Quest:Hitting 5 unique heroes with Frenzy.
Reward:Duration increased by 5 seconds and Nazgrim gains 25% bonus Attack Speed.

Bloodtooth Ale (Berserker Strength)
Increase the duration of Berserker Strength by 4 seconds.


Tactician (Berserker Strength)
Berserker Strength

Calm (Frenzy)
Reduce basic attack damage by 25% on a Bountied target but increase healing by 5%.

Venom-Soaked (Bloody Cleave)
After using Bloody Cleave any enemy hit is dealt an additional 420 damage.


Brothers in Arms (Dire Blood)
Increases the duration of Dire Orcs by 15 seconds and mimics basic abilities.

Mass Execution (Execute)
Execute hits all enemy heroes below 65% health.

Bloodlust (Active)
Cooldown:50 seconds
Grant nearby allied heroes 40% Attack Speed and 25% Movement Speed and causes them to heal for 30% of the Basic Attack damage to their primary target. Lasts for 8 seconds.

Does not effect Nazgrim

Fury of Orgrimmar (Basic Attacks)
Basic Attacks deal 20% more damage and Slow enemy Movement Speed by 20% for 1 second.

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Challenge (8) | June 19, 2017 1:25am
Its getting better each time you update it, im going to go ahead and upvote since you're taking the time to make it the best it can be. Mainly just tuning now

D- Giving stats to allies would be too strong. I suggested giving stats to nazgrim himself based on allies nearby because thats a way to tune nazgrim specifically. Its harder to tune that when his strength is giving allies major bonuses, and even at 5% health, damage, and 5 armor would be insane value.

Q- Now i understand, i was thinking some sort of ranged abilitiy but its basically a melee cleave type move, just with some "range" on it, thats cool

W- pretty good now, even though 10% seems rather low. If he would be tuned around hitting bounty targets it would be higher but his base stats would be lower to compensate. otherwise it wouldnt feel like you are actually getting a damage bonus.

E- pretty good still, but just for wordings consistentcy, armor and spell armor are on in the same. Armor implies both spell armor and phsyical armor, so no need to add both types.

R1- the new ability is pretty good. I think for simplifying however, you could make it read something like "gain up to X amount of movement speed and armor to yourself and nearby allies. The effect increases the lower the health of an ally. last x seconds" where at lower health you gain more armor and movement speed. Not sure about attack speed since thats similiar to rehgars bloodlust just with armor instead of leech. Movement speed + armor would be a hell of an engagement tool though

R2- still not sold on it but i like the direction you are going with it. Something that benefits at different thresholds is neat, so CC at high hp, bonus damage at low without the CC. that could be fun. (and id prob make it lower cd, since a 160 second cd ult wouldnt be very fun to play with.)

All in all its much better from where it started, take an upvote.

and finally . WHERE DID YOU MAKE THAT PICTURE FORREAL THOUGH? its really dope.
tkal | June 20, 2017 7:54am
The picture I made myself, taking a fan-art of Nazgrim and combining it with the multiple talent icons, and Level Talent Pictures.
Challenge (8) | June 18, 2017 2:45am
Side note, what did you use to make the picture? looks nice
Challenge (8) | June 17, 2017 11:28pm
His trait and W are literally carbon copies of butchers fresh meat and brand abilities. Literally, as in to the letter.

Q is worded super poorly i dont know if its a boomarang like falstad or reverse skillshot like xul

E is at least different but its basically a worse version of zuljins passive.

R1 Is literally water elemental from jaina

R2 is also different at least but a 65% "execute" that does octograb levels of CC + an instant pryoblast damage to the face?

This design is literally parts and pieces of other heroes sewn together except for execute with is so insanely overtuned it would have to have a 300 second cooldown
tkal | June 18, 2017 12:03am
v0.2 is up, took into part your critique.
Challenge (8) | June 18, 2017 2:45am
Ok this is better i can give actual feedback on this

D- gaining 5% health for nearby friendly minions doesnt seem fun. Its almost like butchers old trait but worse because its your own minions so you cant really control it. (and his old trait sucked bigtime in terms of fun). The first part of it seems ok, but it seems more like a specialist thing. Like a split pusher. I think there are other ways you can capture the loktar ogar feel of a blazing savage frontline orc warrior being in the frontline. You could make it so you gain +stats when you are near enemy heroes instead of minions, so it makes your team fighting better for example.

Q im still not sure based on wording. are you saying an arc like zuljins twin blades? Even so it seems odd that an assassin (orc warrior no less) whose designed to be in the thick of things fighting for the glory of battle has a poke ability.

W- so the idea is much better but thats really weak for a basic ability. For example, lunara can do that at level 1 with poisons and on multiple heroes. A suggestion would be to let it also increase your damage vs said target and/or reduce damage taken from the target. Then you could also make it so it resets if the target dies so you just dive in fights bouty one guy, kill him, bounty enough, kill him, etc etc

E- i dont really see how it fits with the rest of the kit because the trait kinda already does that except its not health based threshold. You could make this the ultimiate instead of dire orc since nazgrim never actually become a dire orc (IE keep dire orc, but change the name to beserking)

R1- see E, i think its a OK ult, but nazgrim never became a dire orc. Before WoD came out the only 2 known dire orcs was malkorok in SoO, and gutrogg bloodboil in BT (w.e the spelling of his name was)

R2 the main issue i have with this is counterplay. Just dropping below 65% is basically a death sentence even if its on a long cooldown its not fun for the recipent. Its basically, welp im below 65% hp, time to hearth or randomly get one shotted by nazgrim. And just raising the cooldown doesnt feel fun to the user. Typically big long cds like that turn fights on a dime or do something crazily insane to the tempo of the game, Mosh Pit, Lava Wave, Devouring Maw, etc etc. All this does is kill a guy because he wasnt topped off. It would be obnoxious in QM but also kinda bad in ranked play because people dont sit below 60% as often and if they do its more than likely an isolated target who would die anyway.


D-Idea is good, maybe change it up slightly to fit assassin rather than specialist
Q-Still not sure how it would work, but poke damage doesnt seem to fit the beserkring orc archtype
W-Solid start, but expand on it to do more
E-probally fits better as a lowish cd ult, make new E to expand on the warrior theme. Maybe some sort of healing? Mobiltiy? idk
R1- See E, nazgrim has never been a dire orc
R2- Id redesign completely
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