- Cooldowns, damage, durations, etc. are not included because I am not a game designer. Leaving these out allows readers room to be creative instead of saying things are Overpowered & whatnot.
- This is a ranged character
- The talented "Cast" for the skeletal mages can include anything from a straight line skill shot, circular aoe, cone, etc. Each with different effects to allow room for creativity. Perhaps a slow, damage, or support characteristic for each ability.
- I used "Geists" from WoW instead of skeletal warriors, because they're known for hopping around like the Flood in Halo... Leap sounded like a fun idea with the Geists. I suppose they could be replaced by the WC3 unit "Ghouls."
- For "Skeletal Longevity," you can be creative to what the bonus adds, I'm not sure what this character would need TBH. Movement speed? Attack damage/speed? Armor? I'm not a game tester ):
- Some talents could include doubling the spawn of Mages or Geists, but reducing the damage they deal, etc.
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