Neptulon by Allankap5

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By: Allankap5
Last Updated: Nov 4, 2020
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The Tidehunter


In game, he is a tough melee support, excelling when paired with or against melee heroes. His ability to heal off of his short range basic attacks means he can heal very large amounts against melee heroes. His Q also excels against melee heroes, gaining more and more values the more short range heroes it can target.


Neptulon is the lord of the seas and was once at constant war with the other elementals. However, when the Titans banished the Elemental Lords to their own individual planes, he calmed down a bit. When the Cataclysm tore the gap between the Elemental Planes and Azeroth, Neptulon sided with the champions of Azeroth against the Old Gods, his old masters. Because of this, he was attacked by Old God minions and was abducted. He was eventually able to escape and helped unite the Elemental Lords (with Therazane being the only other original elemental lord)to fight against the Burning Legion.


Health: 2,142 (+4% per level)
Health Regen: 3.8 (+4% per level)
Mana: 500 (+4% per level)
Mana Regen: 3 (+4% per level)
Attack Range: Melee (1.5)
Attack Damage: 59
Attack Speed: 1.2


-High sustain
-Large amount of CC
-Good at peeling for team


-Struggles to heal against ranged teams
-Lack of escape options
-Weak to blindness

Combat Trait

Healing Fists
Passive: Whenever Neptulon hits an enemy with a basic attack, he heals the lowest health nearby allied hero for 56 health. Every third attack on the same enemy heals for double the amount.

Quest: Heal 2,500 health with Healing Fists
Reward: Increase Neptulon's attack speed by 0.5.

Primary Abilities

Spreading Waters
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Mana: 90

Neptulon surrounds a friendly hero with powerful waters, healing them for 86 health. If there is an enemy hero nearby the healed hero, the water moves to them, dealing 64 damage. The waters then moves to an allied hero within range, healing them for 86 health. Spreading Waters continues moving from ally heroes to enemy heroes until there are no heroes within range. A single Spreading Waters cannot effect the same hero multiple times.
enter the maelstrom
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Mana: 70

Neptulon opens a portal to the Maelstrom at the target area, slowing all enemies within by 10%. After 2 seconds, the portal crashes, stunning all enemies within it for 1.5 seconds.
tidal reach
Cooldown: Toggle

Neptulon surrounds his arms with large waves, increasing his range to 4.5. However, his movement speed is decreased by 10% and his attack speed is decreased by 0.3.

Heroic Abilities

hunting tides
Cooldown: 150 seconds
Mana: 100

After channeling for 1.5 seconds, Neptulon becomes enraged, transforming into his pure tidal form. In his tidal form, Neptulon cannot use his basic abilities. Instead, he gains +15% movement speed and whenever he hits an enemy hero with his body, he knocks them back a small amount. Whenever he hits an allied hero with his body, he heals them for 117 health. Neptulon is invlunerable for the duration. However, CC effects such as stuns still affect him. Hunting Tides has a 1 second cooldown on each hero. Lasts for 7 seconds.
cataclysmic wave
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Mana: 80

Neptulon channels for 3.5 seconds, sending out a tidal wave in front of him. The tidal wave moves forward for the duration of the channel, knocking up any enemies it hits for 0.5 seconds and dealing 204 damage to them.

level 1 talents

Emergency Fist Healing

While Neptulon is below 50% health, Healing Fists (Passive) heals for 100% more

Spreading Malestrom

Quest:Stun enemy heroes 10 times with Enter the Maelstrom (W)

Reward:Allies within Enter the Maelstrom's radius when it crashes are healed for 104 health

Poking Tides

While Tidal Reach (E) is not active, Neptulon deals 17 damage to the lowest health nearby enemy each second. While Tidal Reach is active, Neptulon heals the lowest healthy allied hero for 6 health a second

Damaging Spread

Each time Spreading Waters (Q) spreads to a new hero, the healing and damage of it is increased by 10%, stacking up to a 50% increase.

level 4 talents


If Spreading Waters (Q) effects 5 heroes with one cast, Neptulon's next Spreading Waters is free and has its cooldown set to 1 second.

Hit them Where it Heals

Neptulon can use his basic attacks on his allies. These basic attacks don't deal damage and trigger Healing Fists (Passive). However, Healing Fists heals for 25% less this way.

Eye of the Tide

Enemies at the center of Enter the Maelstrom (W) are stunned for additional 1 second.

level 7 talents

Bubble of Power (Active)

Active to surround an allied hero with a powerful bubble, making the target invulnerable for 0.5 seconds. When the bubble pops, it deal 84 damage to all nearby enemies. Cooldown: 30 seconds

A Costly Deal

Increase Neptulon's healing by 15% but increase his damage received by 10%.

Reinforcing Spread

While Spreading Waters (Q) is active, Tidal Reach's attack speed penalty is removed.

level 13 talents

Persistent Chaos

Enter the Maelstrom (W) persists after crashing as long as there is an enemy hero within its radius.

Ice? More like Frozen Water (Active)

Activate to place yourself in Stasis and gain Invulnerability for 1.5 seconds. While in Stasis, Neptulon heals for 10% of his maximum health.

Moist Empowerment

The initial target of Spreading Waters (Q) gains +10% movement speed and +8% spell power for 2 seconds.

level 16 talents

Tidal Push

When Neptulon attacks an enemy with an auto attack while Tidal Reach (E) is toggled on, that enemy is pushed back a small amount.

Memories of Ozumat

After Neptulon is stunned or rooted, he gains 10% movement speed for 3 seconds and heals for 107 health. Cooldown: 20 seconds

Eye of the Storm

After Enter the Malestrom (W) crashes, all nearby enemies are dragged to where the center of it was.

level 20 talents

Unrelenting Tides

Neptulon can use his basic abilities during Hunting Tides (Ult 1). Each enemy hero hit by Neptulon's body during the duration increases the duration by 0.75 seconds.

Following Waves

Cataclysmic Wave (Ult 2) follows enemy heroes nearby and not hit by the tidal wave. When these heroes are hit, they are knocked up and dealt damage as if they were hit by the tidal wave.

Infinite Spread

Spreading Waters (Q) can spread indefinitely.

The Seas Never Die

When Neptulon dies, 3 of his allies may channel for 3 seconds and sacrifice 20% of their health upon his death location. At the end of the channel, Neptulon is revived.

(Explanation: They do not all have to channel at the same time. If only one or two heroes channel, they still sacrifice their health but Neptulon is not revived. He is only revived upon the end of the channel of the third ally. This ability does not have a cooldown)

weak/strong with

Strong with and against melee heroes such as:

The Butcher



Weak with and against ranged heroes such as:




potential skins

Base Neptulon

Irradiated Neptulon (Dark green variant)
Tropical Neptulon (Orange Variant)
Deep Sea Neptulon (Dark blue variant)

Crystallized Neptulon

(Body becomes more jagged, waves become flowing crystals, sharp hands)
Amethyst Crystallized Neptulon (Purple variant)
Ruby Crystallized Neptulon (Red variant)
Gold Crystallized Neptulon (Gold variant)

Neptulon the Fallen

(Neptulon corrupted by the Old Gods, floating tentacles, large third eye, purple and black color scheme)
Purified Neptulon (white/gold variant)
Void Fallen Neptulon (darker shade of pueple)

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