NEW HERO: (Hero concept) by skyhots

16 Votes

NEW HERO: (Hero concept)

By: skyhots
Last Updated: Jan 3, 2025
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NEW HERO: (Hero concept)

Revenger of The Nexus

Apology. my English is not good.

Hello Guys, I have some ideas about a new Hero and I am glad to present to you my new hero concept.
This Hero has the ability to hunt down enemies, flexibly. She is easily killed but she still very dangerous.


The image and Icon is for illustrative purposes only.

Hero: Rhy-al (Female).
Unit radius: 1.00
Weapon: a Sword and kunais.
Universe: Nexus.

Model is to see


The world of Nexus is a vast universe and accordingly led to the development of many empire born to conquer, represented among them is a notorious assassin ,Rhy-al the best assassin from Nexus.

Difficulty: Hard.


Base stats:
Health 1660(+4% per level)
Health regen 3.5
(+4% per level)
Mana 500(+4% per level)
Mana regen 3
(+4% per level)
Attack 120(+4% per level)
Attack speed 1.25

Armor 0
Range 1.5

Combat Trait

Trait (D)

Choose one of three-way of fighting from this trait and it can be change once in level 10

Primary Abilities

Slash Strike (Q)

Choose an area of cursor to release a slash. After 0.5 seconds, Dash to the area and Slash the Sword, dealing 50(+4% per level) damage to all enemies and dealing an additional 150 (+4% per level) damage to the targeted area.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Mana 60
Dash Range 7.5

Kunais Storm (W)

Basic Attack gains 1 Stack of Kunais (doubled with enemy Heroes). After 6 stacks, active to unleash kunais, dealing 80(+4% per level) damage to all enemies around. Hitting an enemy Hero with Kunais Storm heal for Rhy-al 50(+4% per level) Health.
Cooldown: 0 seconds.
Mana 30
Range 5.5

Rapid Assault (E)

Instantly teleport to behind the enemy dealing 30(+4% per level) damage. Within 3 seconds, re-activate to Swing her sword, dealing additional 100 damage(+4% per level) to enemies in front of her and knocking them back.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Mana 60
Teleport Range 5.5
Range Attack 2.5

Heroic Abilities

Counterattack (R1)

Heroic Ability

Channel for 3 seconds, absorbing 60% of The damage taken. Upon ending, for 3 seconds you can re-activate to create a shockwave that travels in a straight line, dealing 100% of The Damage Absorbed during channel to all enemy in the path.
Cooldown: 90 seconds.
Mana 90
Range 7.5

Release the power (R2)

Heroic Ability

Channel for 3 seconds, reduce 50% duration of stun, root, silent...,Upon ending, unleash the powerful Slash that deal damage to all enemy nearby. Dealing 50% of the damage dealt during channel.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Mana 60
Radius 2.5



Trial of wind

Dealing damage to enemy Hero increases Attack Speed by 4% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 20%
Passive :gains an additional 20% Attack Damage.


Trial of decline

Dealing damage to enemy Heroes reduce the damage of target by 4% for 3 seconds, up to 20%
Passive :Basic attack reduce their Attack Speed by 20% for 1 seconds.


Trial of Stone

Each enemy Hero takedown Increases your Maximum Health by 4%. up to 5 times.
Passive: Gains 20% Healing received.

we start the game with some Trait (D). With Trial of wind, we improve her speed.
that help her faster and more mobility in the battle when she soloes with an enemy hero in a lane.
Trial of decline helps her chases her enemies and finishes them faster. that is the best choice to weak your enemy
Trial of stone makes your start better and fight easier. your health had been improved.

Level 1

Wild Hunt

while in stealth mode or in bush cause next ability deals an additional 100% damage. can not active every 20 seconds.

Phases Blade

Each basic attack dealing damage to the enemies increase basic attacks damage by 1% for 10 seconds. double versus the enemy Hero.
! Quest: get takedown an enemy Hero get the maximum stack bonus damage amount.

Thirsty Hunter

Each type of enemy hero takedown grant a bonus respectively. Can get only one bonus at once based on your first takedown. Last for 10 seconds:
! Quest takedown a tank or bruiser gain 20 armor.
! Quest takedown an assassin(melee or range) gain 20% bonus damage.
! Quest takedown a healer or support gain amount of shield equal to 20% your maximum health.

Each of talent represent for each style of fighting in every combat situations choose it carefully because of blizzard so stupid to not give us a chance to rechoose the talent

Level 4

Shadow shape[Q]

!Quest: Kill each enemy Hero 1 time.
!Reward: Unleash a Shadow Shape with 50% of your maximum Health and 25% Attack damage. After using Slash Strike [Q], The Shadow Shape will duplicate It, Dealing 50% of the damage dealt. Use (Trait) to summon and control Them. Only One Shadow Shape can active at once.
CD: 40 seconds
Mana: 40


Increase the Rapid Assault's teleport damage to 200% and stun the target for 0.5 seconds. If an enemy Hero is hit by all Rapid Assault's damage, deal an additional 100 damage(+4% per level) to the target.


Increases KUNAIS STORM's radius by 25%.
!Quest: Damage enemy Heroes with KUNAIS STORM .
!Reward: After Deals 100 times, KUNAIS STORM deals an additional 50% damage to enemy Heroes below 75% Health.

Shadow Shape is the best way to push the lane and deals additional damage from Slash Strike (Q). if you want to gank you can choose Sustain(E) to deals a lot of damage from Rapid Assault [E] to a single hero. you also choose Raincross(W) to gain more effect from kunaistorm (W) to enemy heroes.

Level 7

Death shot[W]

Damaging an enemy Hero with Basic Ability or Heroic Ability also gains 1 Stack of Kunais Storm.
Reduce the mana cost to 20.

Executioner (Passive)

After using an Basic Ability cause Next Basic Attack dealing an additional 30% damage. If the attack kills an enemy Hero, Instantly Reset Its Cooldown.(Can't happen every 5 seconds).

SwapKnight [Q,E]

After using Rapid Assault [E] cause Next Slash Strike[Q] can go over walls and terrain and Dash-away instantly, After using Slash Strike[Q] increases Next Rapid Assault's teleport [E] range by 40%, stun the target to 1 second. Each bonus last for 10 seconds meanwhile increases Spell Power by 20%.

Deathshot (W) is good for combat, We can use W often.
The executioner is best for you to restore mana and deals more damage to more targets.
If you want solo or focus to attack enemy heroes, Swapknight(Q, E) is a great choice for you.
because it is improved between each time you use Slash Strike [Q] Or Rapid Assault [E].

Level 10


Channel for 3 seconds, absorbing 60% of The damage taken. Upon ending, for 3 seconds you can re-activate to create a shockwave that travels in a straight line, dealing 100% of The Damage Absorbed during channel to all enemy in the path.
Cooldown: 90 seconds.
Mana 90


Channel for 3 seconds, reduce 50% duration of stun, roof, silent…
Upon ending, unleash the powerful Slash that deals damage to all enemies nearby.
Dealing 50% of the damage dealt during the channel.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Mana 60

there are two powerful ultimate skills, you can choose one of them to depend on the battlefield situation.
If your enemies are strong as attack damage, you can choose (R1) Counterattack to help you survive and deal damage base on their damage dealt to you. Otherwise, if you wanna deal more damage to enemies you can choose (R2) Release The Power instead.

Level 13

Slash of Fate [Q]:

SLASH STRIKE only damage the enemies in the cursor directed. but its damage increase to 200%
Passive: Increase Radius of SLASH STRIKE area [Q] by 20% and heal for 30% of Its damage dealt.

DrainHit [W]:

Each enemy Hero hit by KUNAIS STORM [W] cause Next KUNAIS STORM [W] Heals for 25% more, up to 100%.

Mending Strikes (Passive)

Basic attack heal for Rhy-al and deals bonus damage equal 1.5% her maximum Health, with healing doubled versus Heroes.

the first talent that focuses on upgrading your(Q) and make it more powerful in combat but require your accuracy.
DrainHit to improve your health by increase healing amount while you hit more than one hero.
Assassins tool popular that is healing from basic attack, we need Mending Strikes because it is very useful.

Level 16

Flow Of Death [Q]

Each enemy Heroes hit with SLASH STRIKE [Q] reduces its cooldown by 2 seconds.
Passive: reduce mana cost to 30.

Alpha kill [E]

When kill an enemy Hero with Rapid Assault [E]. Its cooldown and mana cost to be refunded. Next attack within 4 seconds deal damage bonus equal the previous damage dealt by Rapid Assault.

Eyes Bolt (Active)

Active to teleport to a nearby bush or your Shadow Shapes (level 4) and grants Stealth for 3 seconds.(7 range)
Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Come to talent 16, we have 3 talents for 3 different purposes. first Follow of death to buff your' Q that increases its Range and allows you to use Slash Strike Regularly. Alpha kill is a wise choice to chase and finish enemies. But you also get another one, that not so bad!

Level 20


Each time COUNTERATTACK absorbs damage, reduces its cooldown by 1 second, and increases The Next Damage deals by 1%.


Each time RELEASE THE POWER damaging, its cooldown reduced by 1 second. Upon ending, within 3 seconds you can re-activate to teleport to the target location and unleash the Slash instantly.

Final-Strike (Passive)

Hitting an enemy Hero with Basic Abilities causes the next Basic Attack deals 33% bonus damage within 6 seconds, stacks up to 3 times.

Passive: Basic Attack with bonus damage also ignores Their Armor and penetrates their Shield.


Level 1 Talent Thirsty Hunter now can get all bonus for each type of enemy Hero takedown at once.

this Storm talent not so much choice for you, But all of them are so Cool.
I can choose it randomly now.

Recommended Build

Build #1

(Q) Slasher

1. Trial of Stone(D)
3. Shadow shape(Q)
7. SwapKnight (Q, E)
13. Slash of Fate (Q)
16. Flow Of Death (Q)
20. Advance COUNTERATTACK OR Huntress

Build #2

(W) RainKunais

1. Trial of decline(D)
4. Raincross(W)
7. Deadshot(W)
13. DrainHit (W)
16. Eyes Bolt (Active)
20. Evasion (Active)

Build #3

(E) Hunter

1. Trial of stone(D)
4. Sustain(E)
7. Swap-Knight (Q, E)
13. Mending Strikes (Passive)
16. Alpha kill (E)
20. Advance Counterattack (R1) or Huntress (R2)

Build #4

Basic Attack

1. Trial of wind(D)
4. Shadow shape(Q)
7. Executioner (Passive)
13. Mending Strikes (Passive)
16. Alpha kill (E)
20. FinalStrike (Passive)



Win Vs



Rhy-al is a good choice to offlane and solo 1vs1, especial against Assassins.



she is strong against enemy Hero who is less damage, Health and flexibility.



She also a ganking master so kill some One is her roles, that why she should take a chance while She has.

Win With



She so easy to be eliminated. Support from Abathur is really necessary right!



A Healer! Yes, She can not dive into combat or get out from it without Help



Of course! Good Choice for another Healer

Bad Against



she can not fight solo against Tanker or bruiser. And imperius is a hard challenge



He cannot be stuned and so strong. Therefor, we shouldnot beat him alone.



The same thing. She can't fight against strong Heroes. Except Greymane, He can deals burst damage in short-time with Bullet Cursed. So, Please considered !

contact me:
email [email protected]

Thanks for your concern! this is my other concept:

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