Nora, Huntress of the Frozen Wilds, is an infamous Snowtreader from the realm of Yutonheim. This realm, being one of the many on the edge of the Nexus Storm, is constantly plagued by dangerous beasts spawned from other worlds and the chaos beyond through tears in reality and time. As a Snowtreader - highly-trained hunters who are magically enhanced to withstand the biting cold by use of Chaos energy - it is Nora's responsibility to hunt down these dangerous beasts and ensure the safety and stability of Yutonheim and its inhabitants.
Now, something has changed. With the opening of the Dark Nexus by the Raven Lord, something has been causing the rifts to open more frequently and the beasts they birth more dangerous. Sensing the growing instability, Nora embarks on a journey across the many realms of the Nexus to seek answers that could perhaps restore the balance of the Nexus and its realms.
Nora is a sustained Ranged Assassin who excels against Slowed opponents and can Slow them with her Frost attacks.
Resource: None
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Change Logs
- Changed Tribsl Medicine into Knockdown Blast
- Changed E talents accordingly
- Changed Arrow of Yuton to be like a Taunt but for abilities
- Changed Snowtreader (Z) to require max Brave to mount
In case it isn't obvious yet, this is very much inspired by Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. I thought she was pretty cool so why not a Nexus character based on her. I think we need more sustained rather than bursty assassins.
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