Health: 1300
Health Regen: 2.711
Unit Radius: 0.625
Attack Speed: 0.7
Attack Range: 5.5
Attack Damage: 185
Combat Trait
Permanent Cloak
Gain Stealth when out of combat for 3 seconds. Taking damage, attacking, using Abilities, or Channeling reveals you. Remaining stationary for at least 1.5 seconds grants Invisible.
Activate to instantly grant Stealth to Nova. You are unrevealable for the first 2 seconds of this Stealth. (Cooldown: 60 seconds).
Passive: Gain 15% Movement Speed, while Stealthed.
Primary Abilities
40 Mana
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Deals 270 damage to the first enemy hit. Deals 50% more damage to heroes below 50% health.
Range: 10.8725
Lockdown Grenade
70 Mana
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Deal 135 damage within an area. The targets inside are slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.
Range: 6.5
Radius: 2.0
Holo Decoy
70 Mana
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Create a Decoy for 5 seconds that appears to attack enemies, dealing 10% of Nova's normal damage. While a Decoy is active, the ability can be reactivated to issue attack/move commands. Using this Ability does not break Cloak.
Heroic Abilities
Triple Tap
100 Mana
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Locks in on the target Hero, then fires 3 shots that hit the first Hero or Structure they come in contact with for 372 damage each.
Precision Strike
100 Mana
Cooldown: 60 seconds
After a 1.5 second delay, deals 435 damage to enemies within an area. Unlimited range.
Talent Tier 1
[Q - Snipe]Psionic Efficiency: Hitting an enemy hero with snipe refunds 25 mana.
[Trait/E - Holo Decoy]Rapid Reprojection: Activating Permanent Cloak destroys any active Decoys and resets the cooldown of Holo Decoy. Whenever a Holo Decoy is killed before its duration expires, its mana cost is refunded.
[Trait]Advanced Cloaking: Permanent Cloak grants an additional 10% Movement speed and regenerates 3 Mana per second.
Talent Tier 2
[Active]Covert Mission: Enemy minions killed near Nova or one of her Decoys grant a stack of Bribe. Hero Takedowns grant 10 stacks of Bribe. Use 25 stacks to bribe a mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Bosses. Maximum 100 stacks. If a camp is defeated entirely with Bribe, the camp respawns 50% faster.
[Q - Snipe]Perfect Shot: Snipe can pierce one additional enemy.
[W - Lockdown Grenade]High Explosives: Increase the radius and range of Lockdown Grenade by 40%. Lockdown grenade deals 100% more damage to minions, monsters, and mercenaries.
Talent Tier 3
[Q - Snipe]Anti-Armor Shells: Nova's Snipe and Basic Attacks decrease the Armor of Heroic targets by 10 for 3 seconds. [W - Lockdown Grenade]Covert Ops: When Lockdown Grenade is used from stealth or within 1 second of being stealthed its slow is increased to 60% and its cooldown is reduced by 6 seconds.
[Active - 30 second cooldown]Psionic Jamming: Blind the target enemy hero for 3 seconds. Does not break stealth. Passive: Gain 20 armor for 2 seconds when exiting stealth.
Talent Tier 4
[Q - Snipe]Longshot: Increase the range of Snipe and Nova's basic attacks by 20%.
[W - Lockdown Grenade]Shut Down: Lockdown Grenade reduces Hero damage dealt by 75% for 2 seconds.
[Trait]Apollo Suit: Permanent Cloak now grants stealth after being out of combat for 1.5 seconds.
Talent Tier 5
[Q - Snipe]Telekinetic Reload: Hitting an enemy Hero with Snipe reduces the cooldown by 4 seconds.
[E - Holo Decoy]Lethal Decoy: Increase the damage Holo Decoy deals to 30% of Nova's damage. Every time one of Nova's decoys deals damage to an enemy hero, reduce the cooldown of Holo Decoy by 2 seconds.
[Trait]Ambush: Permanent Cloak causes Nova's next basic attack to deal 100% more damage. Basic attack kills instantly trigger Permanent Cloak.
Talent Tier 6
[R - Triple Tap]Fast Reload: Triple Tap's cooldown is reset, if it kills an enemy Hero.
[R - Precision Strike]Precision Barrage: Precision Strike gains a 2nd charge and its cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
[W - Lockdown Grenade]EMP: Enemy heroes hit by Lockdown Grenade are silenced for 2 seconds. The cooldown of Lockdown Grenade is reduced by 2.5 seconds for every hero hit.
[Trait]Ghost: Nova's basic ability cooldowns recharge 150% faster while in stealth.
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