Nova (Rework) by AoiMizune

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Nova (Rework)

By: AoiMizune
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2017
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Nova (Rework)

Dominion Ghost

Goal of the Rework:

Give her more specialized Anti-Hero Niches outside just damage while keeping her intended weaknesses.

With this rework, she gains 2 additional niches, Anti-Stealth and Anti-buffs. The Anti-buff department makes her strong in countering Shields which are currently common in the competitive.
And her ability to provide vision have been improved by gaining the talent Scouting Drone, granting her a lot better scouting abilities compared to her cloaked hero counterparts.

These improves her kit to better portray the fantasy of being a Ghost and gives players more reason to pick her other than being a burst ranged stealth hero, potentially making these a good trade off for her extreme lack of wave clear and other weaknesses.

The changes also keeps her skill floor relatively untouched other than her Holo Decoy now requires few more presses to use while also improving her skill ceiling, creating skilled Nova players stand out by providing her team a set of utilities. In draft, Nova can also be considered to counter cloaked heroes and heroes that have active abilities that applies buffs(Like Tassadar, Zarya, Malfurion, ETC, Dehaka, Illidan, Xul, etc.).

Changes are colored Light Blue. Sub-information of the changes are colored Dark Blue.

Combat Trait

Permanent Cloak, Sniper
Nova gains Stealth when out of combat for 3 seconds. Taking damage, attacking, using Abilities, or channeling reveals her.

Passive: Nova's Basic Attack range is 20% further than most other ranged Heroes.

Primary Abilities

Snipe (Q)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 6 seconds

Deals 322.4 (+4% per level) damage to the first enemy hit.
Pinning Shot (W)
Mana: 65
Charge Cooldown: 12 seconds

Deal 114.4 (+4% per level) damage to an enemy and slow it by 40% for 2.25 seconds.
Ghost Kit (E)
Open Nova's Ghost Kit and gain access to a new set of abilities.

No Cooldown.

Secondary Abilities

Mana: 75
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Temporarily disable all buffs gained from active abilities for 4 seconds.

- Does not prevent Invulnerable, Unstoppable, Stopped and Stasis.
- Affected enemies can still receive buffs but they remain inactive for the duration of EMP.
- Buffs' duration still counts down during the duration of EMP.
- Does not disable buffs from abilities with infinite duration.
- Does not disable Worgen form.
Ghost Visor (W)
Mana: 0
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Reveal all enemies within Nova's vision range for 5 seconds and prevent them from entering stealth for 2 seconds upon leaving Ghost Visor's radius.

Using this Ability does not break Cloak.
Holo Decoy (E)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Create a Decoy for 5 seconds that appears to attack enemies.

Using this Ability does not break Cloak.
Close Kit (R)
Close Nova's Ghost Kit.

No Cooldown.

Heroic Abilities

Triple Tap (R1)
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 100 seconds

Locks in on the target Hero, then fires 3 shots that hit the first Hero or Structure they come in contact with for 351.52 (+4% per level) damage each.
Precision Strike (R2)
Mana: 100
ChargeCooldown: 60 seconds

After a 1.5 second delay, deals 474.24 (+4% per level) damage to enemies within an area. Unlimited range.

Talent Tree

Level 1

Advanced Cloaking
While Stealthed, Nova gains 2 Mana per second and 25% increased movement speed.

Increases the cast range of Pinning Shot by 30%. Pinning Shot also increases the range of Nova's next Basic Attack by 2.

Covert Ops
After being Stealthed for 5 seconds, Pinning Shot's slow is increased to 55% and costs no Mana. Bonus is lost after losing Stealth for 1 seconds.

Scouting Drone
Places a Scouting Drone at target location, granting vision and revealing a large area around it for 45 seconds. This drone cannot be hidden and is killed by enemies with 2 Basic Attacks.

Level 4

Remote Delivery
Increases Holo Decoy Cast range by 100% and its sight range by 50%.

Rapid Projection
Reduces Holo Decoy's cooldown and Mana cost by 40%.

Holo Stability
Increases the duration of Holo Decoy by 120%.

Covert Mission
Enemy Minions killed near Nova grant a stack of Bribe. Hero Takedowns grant 10 stacks of Bribe. Use 25 stacks to bribe a Mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Bosses. Maximum of 100 stacks. If a camp is defeated entirely with Bribe, the camp respawns 50% faster.

Level 7

One in the Chamber
After using an Ability, Nova's next Basic Attack within 3 seconds deals 80% additional damage. Can stack up to 2 times.

Anti-Armor Shells
Nova's Basic Attacks deal 250% damage and ignores armor, but her Attack Speed is proportionally slower.

Snipe Master
Hitting an enemy Hero with Snipe permanently increases the damage of Snipe by 15%. Stacks up to 5 times. All stacks are lost if Snipe fails to hit an enemy Hero.

Level 10

Triple Tap

Precision Strike

Level 13

Double Tap
Pinning Shot now has 2 charges.

Psionic Efficiency
Removes Snipe's Mana cost, increases its range by 15%.

Explosive Round
Snipe also deals 50% damage to enemies near the impact.

Psionic Seal
EMP now also disables Enemy Heroes' Trait for its duration. Does not disable Base Armor.

Level 16

Perfect Shot
Hitting an enemy Hero with Snipe reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds.

Crippling Shot
Pinning Slow lowers a Hero's Armor by 25 for the duration of the slow, causing them to take 25% increased damage.

Lethal Decoy
Holo Decoy deals 40% of Nova's Damage to Heroes and 100% to non-heroes.

EMP Round
Snipe also applies EMP to the targets it hit.

Level 20

Fast Reload
Triple Tap's cooldown is reset if it kills and enemy Hero.

Precision Barrage
Precision Strike holds 2 charges with a 3 second cooldown between using each charge.

Activate to reset the cooldowns of your Basic Abilities. 60 second cooldown.

Ghost Protocol
Activate to gain Stealth and become Unrevealable for 2 seconds. Nova's attacks and Abilities will also not break stealth during this time. 40 second cooldown.

Idoctrination Visor
Activate while Ghost Visor is active to cause a target enemy hero to attack their closest ally, prioritizing heroes for 1.25 seconds. 60 second cooldown.

Using this ability breaks cloak.

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