Health: 1700 (+4% per level) Health Regen: 3.55 (+4% per level) Mana: 500 (+10 per level) Mana Regen: 3.00 (+0.98 per level) Attack Speed: 1.1 per second Damage: 135 (+4% per level)
Combat Trait
(D) Fast-Forward
Every time you make a basic attack, increase your Health and Mana Regeneration by 300% for 1 second. Can stack up to 4 seconds.
Primary Abilities
(Q) Wind Back the Clock
Force an enemy Hero to retrace their steps for 1.5 seconds, suffering 25% of the damage they had taken during the previous 1.5 seconds. They are Revealed for this duration.
Mana: 75 Cooldown: 14 seconds
(W) Warp Time
For the next 6 seconds, selecting a new enemy target within range causes you to teleport to them and deliver 3 Basic Attacks immediately. Cooldown between teleports is equal to Attack Speed. Cooldown does not start until ability expires.
Mana: 45 Cooldown: 6 seconds
(E) Crack in Time
Mark a location with a crack in time. If reactivated within 7 seconds, you are teleported to that spot. Cooldown starts upon reactivation or after the ability expires.
Mana: 50 Cooldown: 8 seconds
Heroic Abilities
(R1) Temporal Storm
Distort time in a large area (Azmo Globe size.) for 6 seconds that grants your allies 15% increased Attack and Movement Speed, and slows down enemies Attack and Movement Speeds by 15%.
Mana: 120 Cooldown: 100 seconds
(R2) Aspect of Time
Transform into a dragon and hover. While in this form you are rooted, but can reactivate it every 1 second to teleport to a new nearby location, undoing 25% of any damage taken after the previous teleport. Your Basic Attacks are ranged and deal splash damage. Lasts 16 seconds.
Mana: 100 Cooldown: 90 seconds
Special Mount
(Z) Hover
Summon your dragon wings (dusted with time sand) and fly low to the ground.
Level 1 Time-master's Pursuit: Collecting Regeneration Globes permanently increases Mana Regeneration by 0.10 per second, up to 1.5 per second. After Gathering 15 Globes, increase Fast Forward's Mana regeneration by 150%. Infinite Regeneration:Collecting Regeneration Globes permanently increases Health Regeneration by 1 per second, up to 15. After gathering 15 Globes, increase Fast-Forward's Heath regeneration by 150%. Chronal Marksman:Every Minion killed near you grants 0.2% Attack Speed, and Takedowns grant 0.5% Attack Speed to a max of 40% Speed. Upon gaining 40% bonus Attack Speed, your Ability cooldowns are permanently reduced by 20%.
Level 4 Steal Time:Hero Takedowns while Warp Time is active increase its duration by 1 second. Greater Warp: Increase Warp Time's range by 20% Stitch in Time: Increase the duration of Crack in Time by 1 second. Momentum:
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