Cooldown - 15 seconds
Possess target ally minion or structure. N'Zoth cannot possess heroes.
If a structure is chosen N'Zoth gains control of that structure, allowing for the use of
Structure Abilities, as well as choosing the tower's target.
If a unit is possessed N'Zoth gains control of that minion, allowing for the use of
Minion Abilities, as well as moving the minion around.
While N'Zoth is not possessing anything he wanders the map as
Shadow of N'Zoth. While in this form he is Invulnerable.
If a possessed thing is auto attacked by an enemy hero 5 times within the span of 6 seconds, N'Zoth's control over that thing is immediately broken.
N'Zoth is actually my favorite Old god as well. I'd love to see your N'Zoth concept, when you publish it :)