Block Every 5 seconds, you can Block a Basic Attack from an enemy Hero reducing its damage by 50%. Stores up to 2 charges.
Nature's Blessing Reduces incoming damage by 10% when rooted and grant 10% movement speed bonus to allied Heroes within the Root area.
Window Shopping Increases the radius of the Root area by 25%.
The Giving Tree Collecting Regeneration Globes permanently increases Health Regeneration bonus of Root by 0.25 per second.
Level 4:
Potion of Healing (Active Ability) Throw a potion to an allied Hero within your Root Area to heal 222.22 health (+4% per level).
Potion of Regeneration
Playing Style
Pros & Cons
PROS: -He is a bulky healer much like Uther. -Has a lot of healing capacity. -Heals allies over time almost for free using his first primary ability. -He cannot be stunned or slowed.
CONS: -His mobility is very low due to his low movement speed. -His only escape has a charge up time. -He cannot chase enemy heroes due to low movement speed. -Due to his large size and slow movement, he can easily be body-blocked. -Can be slowed more when overwhelmed. He receives extra damage from attacks that are strong against structures.
Corrupted Ancient of Wonders This can be his launch skin. Oghma has a tint of violet on this skin like how Corrupted Ancients in Warcraft III are designed. This will be the first time to have a Corrupted version of the Ancient of Wonders.
Coconut of Wonders Replace the stone parts of the Ancient of Wonders with coconut.
Thank you, Mr. Nigerus. This is in fact my favorite concept I have made so far. It's kinda disappointing for me because my most creative and fun concept gets less upvotes and more downvotes compared to my other concept that is pretty much very basic.
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I dont know why some other people disliked this concept. Its really good in my opinion... :/