Level 1
(Q/Quest) Be of good cheer!
- Quest: Hit enemy heroes with Vengeful spirit. After hitting enemy heroes 15 times, increases the bonus damage and speed by 10%, after hitting enemy heroes 30 times increase this bonus by an extra 10% and one more time after 50 hits.
(Z) Pretty small species
- Reduces your hitbox by 50% and makes you invisible whenever you stand still in a bush for 2 seconds in cat form.
(Z) Pulled from behind
- Now Rin jumps into her cart while her fairies move it. This does not resurrect your fairies and is just a visual representation. Increases your mounted speed by an extra 20%.
Level 4
(W) Spooky!
- Using Cat Walk on someone that's fair away from an ally (range of 5) causes an extra 50% damage. If the person is on a distance higher than range of 10 from an ally, fear is also increased by 0.5 seconds.
(Q) Well trained doggies
- Vengeful Spirit effect now lasts 2 extra seconds and has 2 increased range.
(Trait) Earth spirits palace party
- Enemies that die close to you reduce the death timer of one of your fairies (if death) by 2.5 seconds and if no fairy is dead, their HP is restored to full. Whenever you AA an enemy hero reduces your fairies death timer by 1 second.
Level 7
(E) Hell's prime fire
- If blazing wheel is thrown horizontal, now it also slows by 25% for 2 seconds on enemies hit until they leave the area.
- If blazing wheel is thrown vertical, increases the impact radius of the bounces (new radius is that of zul'jin's guillotine).
(Passive/W) Cat momentum
- Hitting enemy heroes increases your movement speed by 10% for 2 seconds. This bonus stacks up to 2 times. Cat walk now hits two times (still doing the same damage) and increases this bonus timer for 2 extra seconds.
(Z) Don't hurt the cat!
- Every second you spend in cat form grants you 40 (+4%) shield, stacks up to 5 seconds.
Level 13
(Trait) Healing powder
- Whenever a fairy dies, other alive fairies are healed by half their HP (unless they die at the same time) and you heal up for 80(+4%) HP; this effect can happen from both enemies killing the fairies or you blowing them up.
(W) When sad, jump!
- Using Cat's Walk grants Rin 25 armor for 1.5 seconds. If you kill an enemy with it, you recover 140 (+4%) HP over 4 seconds. If this enemy is a hero, healing is tripled.
(E/trait) Fiery will
- Fairies now blow up when you hit them with Blazing wheel.
- Quest: Blow up fairies with Blazing wheel on enemies affected by Vengeful Cannibal Spirit. Reward: Fairies do 1% more damage on explosions up to 50% when exploded through Blazing wheel. Upon reaching 50% you don't need to blow them up with Blazing wheel anymore to get the bonus damage.
Level 16
(Q) Friends suffer together!
- Vengeful spirit now throws 2 projectiles (like Blaze's flame stream) that can't hit the same enemy. If both land, cooldown is reduced by 6 seconds and if fairies are sent to attack one of the affected heroes, the other will suffer 30% of the damage taken by the main target of the fairies. If exploding the fairies, the seccondary target can take damage from both the original source and the 30%.
(W) Hoppity Hop
- If your landing location is an enemy hero, you can Cat walk on them for half the damage once per Cat Walk cast.
(E) Care with the ferris wheel!
- Horizontal: Allows you to redirect Blazing wheel once. Enemies that were hit at least once before turning around take 30% more damage from Blazing wheel.
- Vertical: Blazing wheel gets an extra jump and if activated you can make it explode, dealing 280(+4%) in the area and also stunning enemies hit in the original area for an extra 0.5 seconds.
(Kaelthas empowered Q radius). Explosion will only happen when it reaches the floor.
Level 20
(R1) Nuclear precision
- Instead of a long corridor now there are also sets of spikes that split the corridor in 3 tight rooms with very little space. Enemies hit by those spikes are pulled inside the rooms and take both the spike damage and the inner radius damage.
(R2) Learning corpses
- Lesser fairies now have 25% more HP and damage and move 200% faster. Every enemy hero hit reduces the cooldown by 4 seconds. This reduction can be triggered multiple times for each explosion.
(W/Quest) Tearing appart the Spirit
- Enemies hit by Cat Walk now leave a spirit behind with 500 (+4%) HP that only Rin can attack; if destroyed, the enemy hero takes 1000(+4%) damage. The enemy hero can still go back and retake it so Rin can't destroy it. Increases Cat walk's cooldown by 10 seconds.
- Quest: Kill enemy heroes by destroying their soul or 2 seconds after it has been destroyed. Reward: Every enemy hero killed this way reduces Cat Walk cooldown by 1 second up to its original number.
(Trait) Corpses can be scary
- Whenever a fairy resurrects it causes an explotion at its location (this explosion does not kill her). Fairy corpses now slowly follow the closest enemy hero until they resurrect.
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