1. Warmth: mana regen
2. Enchant: a simple basic attack fire damage buff given to self or allies. (oddly she's mele)
3. Scrolls: are just basic diablo lore. Why are there no scrolls?!
(oh yeah cause there are no D2 characters except diablo himself AKA not SHEablo)
4. Purple regen potion, basic trait on a regular cooldown. Instant mana/health.
5. Mana shield: damage taken in mana pool instead of health.
6. Telekinesis: grab objects (regen/wells) and channel objectives from a distance.
7. Static Field: reduce the life of all nearby minions by half. OR reduce single player life by 25% this is remaining life not total life. If enemy has 25% health left you will only hit them for 25% of 25% ...not much.
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