Passive: Whenever Peach damages an enemy hero, she gains +5% movement speed and +5% healing, stacking up to a maximum of 25%. Stacks fall off all at once after 4 seconds of not damaging an enemy hero.
Primary Abilities
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Peach picks a Turnip out of the ground that can be thrown at either an ally or an enemy. If it is thrown at an enemy, it deals low damage to them and slows them by 15% for 1 second. If thrown at an ally, it heals them for a moderate amount.
Peach Bomb
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Peach dashes towards target enemy or ally. If she dashes to any enemy, she deals low damage to them and pushed them back a small amount. If she dashes to an ally, they both gain 10% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
Frying Pan
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Peach hits an enemy with her frying pan, knocking them back and dealing a small amount of damage.
Heroic Abilities
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Passive: Turnips can be self casted to heal the person holding it by a moderate amount.
Active: Peach channels for 3 seconds, summoning a Turnip that can be picked up by ally heroes nearby her every 0.5 seconds. If the Turnip is thrown at an enemy, it deals low damage to them and slows them by 15% for 1 second. If thrown at an ally, it heals them for a moderate amount.
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Peach throws a tennis ball at an enemy, dealing low damage to them. The tennis ball then returns to Peach if she is nearby. This process repeats itself 4 more times.
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