Potions are iconic for Diablo and what better than a potion master and the first Diablo 1 character to be included in this game? The fact that he is the first Diablo support is bonus. He should be a ranged support hero that throws empty potion bottles at enemies for his auto attack.
Combat Trait
Town Healer
Allied heroes may click on you to receive a generous healing and mana over time buff. This spell doesn't share the same cooldown as moonwell.
Primary Abilities
Potion of Healing
Heal allied unit for a generous amount instantly.
Weapon Oil
Cast to make the next auto attack of an allied hero stun a target for 1 second and deal slightly additional damage. The stun duration is halved when cast on allied ranged heroes or when cast on self.
Tristram Town Gossip
Pepin learns information from others with the use of gossip. Reveals the location of an enemy hero for a short duration including his/her weaknesses. The target also takes increased damage and cannot stealth
Heroic Abilities
Elixir of Strength.
Cast to give an ally a lot of max health for a short duration.
Purified Water
Global cleanse+ instant 20% move speed for 5 sec.
Ability Explanations
Town Healer: I know there are no moonwells in diablo 1 but when you clicked on Pepin to talk with him you got healed. I think this would be a useful and unique spell. Essentially your lane partner gets 2 moonwells and allies from other lanes will travel to your lane just to click on you for hp.
Potion of Healing: In the first diablo potions instantly gave HP rather than a healing over time that diablo 2 had. Also another healing over time wouldn't work great with his passive that is already one. Essentially this is a targetable spell that heals big. Almost identical to Uther Q except it has to fly through the air to heal like Li Li's so since it is delayed maybe it heals slightly more than Holy Light but with longer cd. Sorry I wanted to be more unique but other heroes need big single target heals too and Uther shouldn't hog the only one that isn't an heroic ability.
Weapon Oil: Oils were also iconic for Diablo even though it wasn't introduced until Diablo:Hellfire. However a long duration buff that slightly increases damage is not really an exciting spell. This also acts as an offensive ability while still being supportive.
Tristram Town Gossip: Essentially a shorter duration version of the ability "faerie fire" that druid of the talons used in warcraft 3. It was 120 sec in warcraft 3 which would be OP in this game so I was thinking maybe 6 or so seconds in HoTs and increased damage taken of the hero by 20%.
Elixir of Strength: Pepin was also an Elixir Master. Essentially works like Muradins Avatar but for Ally heroes. Probably shouldn't give as much HP as Avatar does. Is similar to Divine Shield or Ancestral Healing in that it is a single target spell that is really good at keeping an important person alive for a long part of a team fight. I think spells like this are exciting so I included this here. Imagine this cast on a valla or jaina essentially making them way more tank.
Purified Water: Pepins only quest in diablo was involving the purification of water. In this game I think it would be cool if he purified his allies. But since cleanse already exists in this game I decided to make it better than cleanse and make it a heroic ability that works globally and also gives some move speed.
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