Probos by Layman

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By: Layman
Last Updated: Feb 9, 2016
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Sentry of Adun


HP: 1456 (+4 per level)
HP Regen: 3.035 (+4 per level)

Mana: 500
Mana Regen: 3

Attack Damage: 65 (+4 per level)
Attack Speed: 1

Combat Trait

Scouting Probe
Basic attacks are channeled, passive movement speed bonus of 10%

Primary Abilities

70 mana, 12 s cool down- Creates a pylon at location, pylons have 476 (226 + 4% per level) Health. Can only be placed in lane, creating a 2nd pylon in the same lane destroys the first pylon, creep waves spawn at pylon instead of core.
4 mana/s, 7 s cool down- Activate to increase damage of basic attacks by 100%
Sentry Shield
100 mana, 18s cooldown- Creates a large radius bubble around Probos. Enemy basic attacks are blocked unless the enemy is also inside sentry shield.

Heroic Abilities

Nerazim Pylon
80 mana, 70s cool down- Allys can warp to friendly pylons
Chrono Boost
80 mana, 120s cool down- 15s duration, allied respawn rate is tripled, used at warpgate

Special Mount

Activate to hearth to warpgate fafter 3s, which is overlapping your core. Can warp to pylons using warpgate.

Lvl 1 Talents

-Pylons' vision increased 50%

-Pylons provide 20% speed boost to targets warped in

-Pylons are cloaked


Lvl 4 Talents

-Overdrive increases attack speed by 50%

-Allies inside Sentries Shield gain 15% damage reduction for duration

-Mercenary Lord

Lvl 7 Talents

-Gain 50% Movement Speed while Channeling

-Minions gain 4s, 200 shield for 3s after warping in from pylon

-Pylons triple health regeneration while allied target is inside power grid

Lvl 13 Talents

-Hero use of Pylon to Pylon warp enabled

-Overdrive can be used to heal structures for 50 health/s

-Spell Shield

Lvl 16 Talents


Lvl 20 Talents

-Nerazim Pylon's cool down reduced 10s per allied hero use

-Chrono Boost duration increased 5s, allies gain 20% movement speed for 4s

-Overdrive beam can chain to 2 additional targets

-Fury of the Storm

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